Ï The President of Turkmenistan: We pay special attention to development of agrarian sector

The President of Turkmenistan: We pay special attention to development of agrarian sector

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Let me extend my congratulations on production of more than 1,650,000 tons of wheat, successful fulfilment of contractual obligations for production of grain! I wish you strong health, longevity and family wealth, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Turkmen wheat producers and all countrymen says.

The State makes the most favourable conditions for productive work of the farmers highly appreciating the results of their honest work, stimulating the farmers who achieve new working victories and improve their prosperity.

Powerful equipment is regularly procured. The farmers are provided with mineral fertilizers, seeds, chemicals for pest control on discounted prices. All payments to the farmers for delivered production are settled on time. It stimulates the farmers of the country for highly productive work, production of good yields of agricultural crops.

Modern grain elevators and production facilities for making flour, pasta, bread and bakery are built in the regions for protection of the wheat harvest and making of high quality production.

Together with other branches, we pay special attention to the development of agrarian sector today as the raise of agriculture is directly connected with the strengthening of economic power of the country.

Successful reforms for development of agricultural sphere, well-thought decisions are aimed at further increment of the volumes of agricultural production made in Turkmenistan. Creation of food abundance in the country is our main goal, - the message of the President highlights.