Ï Cultural sphere: Spectrum of objectives and range of capabilities

Cultural sphere: Spectrum of objectives and range of capabilities

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Cultural sphere: Spectrum of objectives and range of capabilities
Being a priority direction of social and economic policy and strategic resources of Turkmen society, the development of culture is in the centre of attention of Turkmen leader as it closely connected with the formation of public awareness especially among the youth.

The President highlights the necessity to use efficiently equipment and facility base of this sphere in full scale. It is necessary to implement profile infrastructure for popularization of moral values and history of Turkmen nations including by capabilities of national artificial satellite, digital television, libraries, theatres and museums and other cultural centres. Protection and study of historical and cultural monuments and intangible heritage are the pillars of the state policy aimed at the improvement of spiritual and intellectual potential of society.

At the same time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov urges to reveal deep meaning and importance of large-scale work carried out under the realization of strategic programmes aimed at strengthening of economic bases of sovereignty of Turkmenistan, modernization and implementation of innovations to the main branches of national economy.

Great attention is paid to the strengthening of humanitarian contacts with different countries, finding of talents and teaching of art masters who are able to represent Turkmenistan deservingly in international arena, on development of friendly relations with foreign cultural personnel.

Outlining the objectives for further improvement of cultural sphere and mass media, the President focuses on the preparation of qualified specialists. The Head of the State notes that journalists and cultural personnel has to have knowledge, broad erudition, to be aware of the world trends in all fields, to think and work in new way and to be guided by time demands in order to make influence on society.

Cultural component is an integral part of the events of the year “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity” as the activity of cultural and mass media personnel, and art masters is aimed at wide popularization of the country’s achievements, showing of their importance, giving of the impulse to large-scale reforms in all spheres of the country’s life.

Starting ceremony of the events dedicated to the slogan of 2019 was held on January 9 in the Mukams Palace of the State Cultural Centre with participation of the members of the Government, heads of ministries and departments, high educational institutes, cultural personnel and art masters, representatives of public organizations and mass media. Similar events were held in velayat centres on the same day.

Support of work for revival and careful protection of cultural heritage of the nations, its spiritual values were highlighted by the Head of Turkmenistan on February 14 at the meeting with representatives of public and political organizations and cultural sphere in the Centre of Public Organizations of the capital.

Different cultural events including conferences, meetings, exhibitions and contests, theatre performance and music festivals provided by the Programme of development of cultural sphere of Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025 have been organized from the beginning of the year.

Handover ceremony of the horse named Ruhubelent from Ahalteke Equestrian Complex to the famous group of equestrian games Galkynysh, which achieved great success in popularization of nation heritage in the world, on behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was held in the State Circus in February 17.

The subject of protection and popularization of the heritage of the nation was highlighted during the meeting “Museum Values and Cultural Relations”, which was held in the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre on March 12 and dedicated to archaeological exhibition “Margiana – the Kingdom of the Bronze Age on the territory of Turkmenistan” in Germany

Past half of the year was noted by other large-scale events in cultural sphere held both in our country and far beyond its borders for popularization of national heritage and modern achievements of the Motherland.

In particular, during the Days of Culture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Turkmenistan in the first half of the year, representatives of scientific circles of friendly country made report in Magtumguly Turkmen State university, which were dedicated to the importance of the Silk Road, historical and cultural relations of Turkmenistan with the countries of Arabian Peninsula. Days of Culture of Turkmenistan in the Islamic Republic of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Turkmenistan have also supported the popularization of spiritual heritage of our nations, success and achievements of our Motherland.

Participation of art masters of our country in the Sabantui Celebration during the trip to Kazan, which was visited by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation Rustam Minnikhanov after bilateral talks, was significant event of the half of the year. Personnel of national cultural sphere has also taken part in international forums in Germany, Austria, Japan, UAE and other countries.

The subject of partnership in humanitarian sphere was developed during movie shows, exhibitions, music festivals, theatre performances organized in Ashgabat and velayats together with diplomatic missions of foreign countries accredited in Turkmenistan.

Richness and originality of traditions of Turkmen nations and modern art, its pace-making mission were reflected in the events of Nowruz International Day - National Spring Holiday.

Concerts, literary and music performances, scientific and practical conferences, contests, exhibitions, circus shows, theatre performances and other were organized in honour of National Turkmen Horse Celebration on April 24 – 28.

Cultural diplomacy successfully supports the improvement of authority of the country in the world arena, serves as credible evidence of its steadfast innovative development. It is an important factor of the realization of foreign strategy of the Head of Turkmenistan aimed at the expansion of international cooperation.

XIV Forum of Cultural and Scientific Personnel of the CIS countries in Ashgabat on May 14 – 17 under the chairing of Turkmenistan in the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2019 is another evidence of important role of cultural diplomacy in strengthening of friendship and fruitful cooperation.

The forum received broad international recognition and made big input to the improvement of single humanitarian space of the CIS, supported the origination of numerous types of partnership in scientific and cultural spheres, was widely covered by mass media in all countries of the Commonwealth. What is more important, this event became bright evidence of growing relations in humanitarian sphere between the nations.

Weeks of culture 2019, which is timed annually to the Day of Cultural and Art Personnel as well as the Day of Magtumguly Fragi Poetry on June 27, was held in Magtumguly etrap, Balkan Velayat this year.

Participation of art personnel from all parts of the country in the event supported broad exchange of practice, improvement of professional skills of representatives of culture and art.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov set responsible objectives not to be just successors but also promoters of national traditions, protecting originality of Turkmen culture, make new pieces of art meeting time requirements, demonstrate achievements of independence in publications, TV and radio shows, to art personnel and mass media workers.

The Head of the State gave instructions on preparation of informative interesting shows at TV and radio channels dedicated to coming events – the Independence Day, International Neutrality Day, New Year as well as plays and music performances about our heroic people in theatres.

This emphasis is very current as holidays are integral part of national culture, which play an important role in the formation of national identity of growing generation.

Time realities and achievements of technical progress require modern solutions aiming them at the developing of the country and educational activity. In this regard, the objectives for improvement of work of cultural facilities, profile universities and mass media, which the Head of the State sets, are quite indicative.

Special attention is paid to the popularization of national heritage, which integral components are architectural monuments, articles of national craft as well as magnificent samples of song, music and visual art.

The work for study of traditions and customs, wise sayings and cultural and spiritual values of our nation is carried out under the realization of the State Programme of collection, registration, study and protection of national intangible cultural heritage of Turkmenistan in 2015 – 2020. Special committees, which includes scientists, specialists of cultural spheres, have been formed. They have gathered rich materials during the expeditions to the sites. At present time, the material is studied and registered.

According to the State Programme of archaeological excavations of historical and cultural monuments along the Silk Road on the territory of Turkmenistan in 2018 – 2021, study of cultural heritage and its popularization as well as under international cooperation, national scientists carry out archaeological surveys at these objects.

Today, Turkmenistan has all conditions for finding and education of talented art masters. Network of specialized schools, local cultural clubs is expanded, new departments are opened in profile educational institutions.

In this regard, special attention is paid to art contests. Final of Türkmeniň Altyn asyry contest among literary, culture and art personnel, young singers and talented children is among coming events. This annual contest for the prize of the President of Turkmenistan supports professional growth art personnel, finding new talents and involvement of youth to the treasury of national culture.

Solution of objectives set by the Head of the State to representatives of cultural sphere and mass media is to give new impulse to large-scale work, which is carried out in the country for improvement of spiritual and creative potential of society.