Ï Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration

Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration

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Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
Presentation of the project of Ashgabat City is held in the capital’s administration
The Administration of the capital hosted the meeting on the realization of big social project – the construction of new residential estate with high-rise buildings where more than 100,000 people would live.

Less than one month ago on June 20, the President of Turkmenistan has visited the capital’s administration where he inspected the projects of development of the main city of the country, especially the construction of new residential complex in the northern part of the city.

The Head of the State studies the sketches of future construction as well as 3-D model of architectural ensembles and infrastructural facilities, which give visual image of new ‘city-in-city’.

Being the general vector of development of Ashgabat, urban construction mainly defines its economic status, investment and business background. The role and importance of Turkmen capital as a centre of international life, business, culture and tourism are increased.

Heads and leading specialists of profile structures, representatives of private sector, foreign companies as well as teachers and students of Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute, Turkmen State Energy Institute, the Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications and the State Art Academy, who gathered in the City Administration of Ashgabat, have studied with the details of new project.

Total area, which is allocated for grandiose complex of more than 200 buildings, is 744 hectares. It is planned to erect 180 buildings, ranging from 12 to 35 floors in height, for 17,836 apartments. In general, the entire district is designated for living of more than 107,000 people. In other words, new city including administration centre, service and medical facilities, cultural centres, educational institutes and other social infrastructure will appear in the north of Ashgabat.

All of these has not to be just built but also to be provided with proper operation of the infrastructure based on the model of smart city. In other words, the work is colossal both by the volume and by the complexity. However, Turkmen constructors have gained big experience in implementation of big projects; they have all modern technical capabilities and actively study the best world practice.

Attraction of private companies to urban construction and to implementation of national programmes is the key direction of the state policy of support of entrepreneurship in the country. members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs work on hundreds of industrial, social, living and cultural facilities in different parts of the country.

Architectural projects of all buildings and facilities, which would be built in the north of the capital, have been developed by the City Administration of Ashgabat and the Ministry of Construction and Architecture. Teachers and students of profile educational institutes have also taken part in this work.

Entrepreneurs and architects, personnel of foreign companies, which carry out the activity in construction sphere, was speaking at the presentation. Students of the country have also shared their vision.

The project of new city, which was approved by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and received unofficial name of Ashgabat City, provides the construction of the building of local administration and other government facilities, four secondary schools for 3,000 students and the same number of kindergartens, which would be able to host 1,200 children, as well as original buildings of Turkmen National Conservatory and specialized music school.

The facilities of social and living infrastructure will include multifunctional hospital, two clinics, two shopping and entertainment centre, shops and cafes, stadium and sport complex, ceremonial hall, four multilevel car parking. It is also planned to build branch offices of Türkmenbaşy and Halkbank State Commercial Banks.

The building of Аk öýi will be built in the centre of new city as an architectural symbol of the succession of national traditions, which is related to the imagination of Turkmen nation about home heart and the world in general. By the suggestion of the President, this is the building that will be the centre of the complex. It have to give the beginning to the formation of the rest of the environment and all main roads have to lead to this place, the Head of the State said during review of the project.

It was mentioned at the meeting that Ashgabat would enter new phase of development, new age of its history, in which it would be the capital of innovations, high urban culture, investment activity and tourism, after implementation of the project.

30 – 35-storey buildings will be constructed for the first time in Turkmenistan in new residential estate. In this regard, the technologies providing seismic resistance of the buildings receive special importance, which was highlighted during the discussion of the project.

Residential section includes eight types of houses: 2 15-storey buildings with 150 apartments each, 42 12 – 15-storey buildings with 54 apartments each, 12 20-storey buildings with 40 apartments each, 56 21 – 23-storey buildings with 88 apartments each and 36 buildings with the same number of storeys but different design with 136 apartments, 16 25-storey buildings with 75 apartments, 4 35-storey buildings with 140 apartments and 12 33 – 35-storey buildings with 136 apartments each. All buildings have common style and distinguished from each other by design of facades, silhouettes and proportions.

The participants of the meeting reviewed priority objectives for creation of the system of engineering and technical communications in new facilities like power, water, telephone and other lines. The President notes that modern city is not just a territory but also complex organization of living environment including production activity as well as social and cultural relations, spiritual atmosphere and economic conditions.

In this regard, the Head of the state ordered to study the best foreign practice, to analyse the principles of efficient work of municipality services in developed countries, to use modern technologies and materials, which supports the reduction of energy consumption of buildings and the economy of natural resources.

Practicality, rationality, comfort, aesthetic, reliability and advanced engineering and technical solutions, ecological standards are the main criteria of residential complexes, administration buildings, industrial, sport and social facilities and transport infrastructure, which are built in the country.

The main directions of works aimed at the provision of new large-scale construction site with all necessary resources have been reviewed at the session.

The participants noted that the project of new residential estate is focused on creation of opportunities of growth and enhancement of life level of people. It is to turn the northern part of the capital into new economic centre with opportunities to find a job and business for residents and investors, to provide an integrated environment for development of entrepreneurship and innovations taking into account forecasted growth of the population of Ashgabat, to become the foundation for further expansion of the city.

Importance of creation of favourable environment for the population has also been noted. In this context, the activities under realization of grandiose project including relative expertise at all stages of its implementation have been outlined.