Ï Military and historical theme and modern achievements are in the publications of National Army magazine

Military and historical theme and modern achievements are in the publications of National Army magazine

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Second issues of quarterly magazine National Army (Milli goşun) of the Defence Ministry of Turkmenistan has been published. Regular issue of the magazine begins with the article dedicated to the opening ceremony of gasoline plant in Ahal Velayat.

Richly illustrated collection is dedicated to military exercise under the inspection of combat readiness of National Army announced by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces on June 12.

First-person coverage introduces the readers with the most important moments of the exercises including comments of the participants as well as gives the opportunity to plunge into atmosphere of the events due to effective pictures.

The article about the history of ahalteke horse breed as well as material dedicated to alabay dogs are among the publications of the magazine.

Big article of the magazine speaks about the history of military journalism and its development in modern age. The article highlights that according to exclusively defensive Military Doctrine, the Defence Ministry actively supports the strengthening of the authority of our independent, permanently neutral state and its National Army, which protects peace and stability. Special role in this work is given to national mass media such as Esger, Milli goşun, website with the same name, Merdana nesiller TV show and other.

Article about the graduation of cadets of Berdimuhamed Annayev specialized military school No. 1and officers of high educational institutes of military and law enforcement agencies of the country is also presented to the readers.

The central part of the magazine has an infographics, which introduces the readers with the Commonwealth of Independent States and the role that Turkmenistan plays in this international organization.

Series of articles reflects the role of National Army in strengthening of economic potential of the country. For example, one of the articles speaks about the success of the facilities of the Defence Ministry, which provides service and maintenance of military equipment, produce spare parts, batteries, different details from plastic, sew uniform, breed livestock and grow various fruits and vegetables.

Territorial defence troops, which personnel stands guard of important industrial facilities of the country, make significant input to the strengthening of national economy.

The readers will like the article about the department of military medicine of Myrat Garriyev State Medical University. All materials of the magazine are provided with photos and infographics.