Ï President of Turkmenistan addresses participants of the meeting of the Council for Health Cooperation of CIS

President of Turkmenistan addresses participants of the meeting of the Council for Health Cooperation of CIS

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“I congratulate you on opening of the meeting of the Council for Health Cooperation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in Ashgabat! I wish you good health, wellbeing and success in your scientific and creative work, aimed at increasing the level and quality of the social protection of the population, building a modern health system”, says the President of Turkmenistan in his Address.

“I believe that the interstate meeting will play a crucial role in acquainting the global community with the latest achievements and key vectors of development of the national health care system and medical industry, determining the areas for widening the international partnership as well as exchanging experience between scientists and specialists.

“In accordance with the Plan of actions on the implementation of the Concept of Turkmenistan’s presidency over the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2019, a wide spectrum of issues, related to the coordination of interstate relations in the health care system, social sphere and other areas. Turkmenistan as the state that presides over the Commonwealth of Independent States in 2019 prioritizes development of the traditional collaboration with CIS member states in strategic areas. Together with our CIS partners, our independent state intensifies the efforts on building up multilateral relations in the health care system.

“A regular session of the XIV Forum of Creative and Scientific Intelligentsia of CIS, successfully held on May 15-16, offered a powerful incentive to fruitful cooperation within CIS.

“Neutral Turkmenistan takes care about the health of its citizens. The country declares such important principles of healthy nutrition, Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases, giving up bad habits, various sports. All these efforts have resulted in increase of longevity, reduction in the burden of disease, elimination of dangerous communicable diseases.

“The high-level International conference “Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases”, held in Ashgabat on April 9-10, 2019, brought together experienced specialists from many foreign countries, including the CIS member states. The conference played an important role in the implementation of the Ashgabat Declaration and determining the key vectors of international cooperation, introducing the main areas of development of this system to the world community as well as exchanging experience between scientists, specialists and doctors”.

The President of Turkmenistan emphasized in his address that our country fulfilled its obligations to the international organizations, including the health care commitments. The achievements of our sovereign state in this field were recognized at conferences held in different years in the CIS countries. Indeed, the world community has recognized the fact that in our country, the system of public health protection has reached the high level and the decisive steps have been taken to prevent infectious and non-communicable diseases and bring up physically and mentally healthy generation.