Ï The Head of the State congratulates medical personnel on professional holiday

The Head of the State congratulates medical personnel on professional holiday

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Human being is the highest value of the state and society, which is stated in the Constitution of Turkmenistan. Therefore, we aim at fundamental reformation of health protection of human, improvement of social and living conditions of the citizens, modernization of the system if health protection and medical industry. Large-scale work in this direction is one of the strategic directions of the state policy, - the congratulation message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on occasion of the Day of Personnel of Health Protection and Medicinal Industry says.

Our country takes efficient measures for health protection of the citizens, increment of longevity, prevention of diseases and implementation of the healthy life style. Medical centres, specialized clinics and pharmaceutical facilities are put into operation in Ashgabat and velayat centres.

Electronic document management system has been introduced into the sphere of health protection and medical industry. Service of telemedicine, relative consultations to the patients in tele-conference mode, exchange of practice ae established under the cooperation with developed countries of the world.

Important role is given to the State Health Programme in fundamental reform of the sphere. This document outlines the priority objectives for development of the health protection sphere and improvement of health of the citizens.

The work for improvement of the health protection system is carried out in the country to meet the standards of the World Health Organization. In particular, the health of maternity and childhood are protected, number of infectious diseases has been eliminated, principles of healthy life style have been implemented. The population is fully provided with the medicine of own make.

Such healthy principles as heathy nutrition, prevention of non-infectious diseases, quitting of bad habits, combination of work and rest, sport exercise are successfully ascertained in the country due the commitment of our citizens to healthy life style. All of these led to the increment of the longevity, reduction of illness, full elimination of dangerous infectious diseases. The awareness of the citizens in health protection aspect has also been increased, the message says.

National health protection sphere actively cooperates with developed foreign countries. International forums are regularly held in the country. Specialists and experts from number of countries too part in the international conference “Prevention and control of non-infectious diseases” in Ashgabat last April. This forum is very important in the popularization of the achievements of our country in health protection and medical industry sphere as well as in finding of the vectors of development of international cooperation. Our country received the certificate for the input to the prevention and control of non-infectious diseases from the World Health Organization.

Election of Turkmenistan as a member of the Executive Council of the World Food Programme for 2020 – 2022, the UN Commission for Population and Development for 2020 – 2024 and the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs for 2020 – 2023 is the evidence of the recognition of the achievements of our country in provision of the population with pure drinking water, food abundance, combat of bad habits by the United Nations.

Cooperation with foreign countries is steadily growing as the result of our ‘open door’ policy. Partnership with Germany, Austria, Japan, USA, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Belarus, Turkey and other states have been established in the health protection sphere. We would continue paying attention to the development of the health protection sphere and international relations in this direction, the message of the President says.