Ï Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice

Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice

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Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
Health 2019: National achievements and modern practice
International Health 2019 Exhibition and scientific conference on development of medical sphere have started in the exposition centre of the Trade and Industrial Chamber of Turkmenistan.

Annual forum, which is timed to the Day of Health Protection and Medical Industry Personnel, has gathered delegates from dozens of countries including prominent scientists, professors and doctors.

The opening ceremony has started with the performance of art collectives, which gave celebration mood to the event. Heads of the ministries of profile departments of Turkmenistan, representatives of international organizations, mass media, foreign medical specialists were among the guests at the opening ceremony.

The greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the participants of international forum has been read out. The Head of the State noted in his message that having adopted the State Health Programme in 1995, we have outlined long-term strategy of development, goals and objectives of national health protection sphere. Efficient system of public health protection has been formed up within 24 years in the result of staged implementation of this Programme.

Successfully implementing joint projects and programmes, our country supports general strategy of the WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA and makes important initiatives in provision of health and prosperity on global level, achievement of harmonic development of human being, environment protection and modernization of health protection system.

Modern methods of prevention, diagnostics and treatment of diseases are efficiently implemented into the sphere of health protection in the result of beneficial exchange of practice with developed countries of the world, which allows fundamentally improving the quality of medical services. All of these was presented at the exhibition where 250 companies, mostly from Europe as well as from America and Asia, have demonstrated their production together with organizations and facilities of Turkmen health protection system and medical industry. These are the producers of equipment and medical items, pharmaceutical goods and consumables, developers of new technologies of diagnostics and treatment of diseases.

In addition to traditional partners of Turkmenistan, 21 companies have presented their goods at the exhibition for the first time. for many foreign producers and representatives of scientific and research centres, the exposition is a good opportunity to announce about the abilities and intents, to enter perspective Turkmen market.

The review of achievements of medical science and practice is a significant component in the process of development of national health protection system of Turkmenistan. This exhibition gives an opportunity to specialists to familiarize with the novelties of heath industry and advanced methods and services in this sphere. Vast exposition includes such directions as laboratory and diagnostic equipment, medical instruments and materials, optics and ophthalmology, intensive care and therapy, anaesthesia, protection of mother and child health, stomatology and other.

It also has special displays in such subjects as child nutrition, healthy nutrition, camel milk and agaran, cosmetology, audiology, stimulation, new technologies of medicine and sport medicine, family medicine and public health, non-infectious diseases, achievements of medical facilities. Elimination of number of infectious diseases including guinea worm, poliomyelitis, malaria, measles and rubella, which is recognized at international level, are among the achievements of national medicine.

The certificates of the World Health Organization and other competent structures given to our country indicates high appraisal of success of Turkmen medicine in prevention and control of diseases as well as in iodization of salt, enrichment of flour with iron and folic acid by the experts.

Consultation outlets where recommendations of specialists on prevention of diseases cab be obtained are also available at the exhibition.

The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs of Turkmenistan as well as the leading clinics of our partners – the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation, present their success in current review.

Being some kind of the report on the course of implementation of the state policy in health protection sphere, the exhibition is to become another step toward the development of broad international partnership with the leading companies and scientific centres, which offer their practice, modern innovative technologies and advanced equipment.

Presentation of the 11th volume of fundamental work of President of the country, Academic of the Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medicine, Professor Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan” has been held at the exhibition.

The Head of the State directs the development of health protection to the most modern standards of medical aid, merge of local traditions and achievements with modern world practice, integrated approach to the health protection of the population. All these subjects were included to the discussion by the delegates of international scientific conference health 2019, which plenary session has been held in the afternoon.

Speeches of the participants were forestalled by the award ceremony of the UNICEF Certificate to the Government of Turkmenistan represented by the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry for support of high indicators of immunization of children via National Immunization Programme sponsored by the Government.

The programme of international scientific conference Health 2017 included sectional sessions in following subjects: internal diseases, surgery, cosmetology, cardiology and cardiac surgery, traumatology and orthopaedics, protection of mother and child health, oncology, ophthalmology, stomatology, natural resources as a source of health, new medical technologies and sport medicine, family medicine and public health, hygiene and epidemiology.

In addition, briefings and presentations of advanced developments of foreign companies in different directions of medicine, latest methods of diagnostics and treatment of diseases are held under the exhibition.


Delegates of the XXIX session of the Council for Cooperation in health Protection Sphere of the Commonwealth of Independent States including the representatives of International Red Cross and Red Crescent Society, the Un Department on Drugs and Crime, the CIS and Eurasia Oncologists Union took part in the activities of the Health 2019 forum.

Experienced specialists from Germany, with which our country has established close cooperation in health protection sphere, were among the guests who were invited to the exhibition and conference. This cooperation gives significant results – new methods of diagnostics, treatment and endoscopic and minimally invasive surgery have been introduced. Scientific and practical conferences and seminars with participation of Turkmen doctors and their German colleagues from the leading clinics and Senior Expert Service of Germany are held regularly.

Every time I come to Turkmenistan, I become the witness of big changes that happens in the country. I am proud that I am involved in these active processes, which are going on in the system of Turkmen health protection sphere, - professor Ansgar Berlis, the Head of Intervention Neuroradiology Department of the clinic of Augsburg, the President of the Association of Intervention Neuroradiology of Germany said.

We support close relations with the Direction of International Medical Centres of Turkmenistan, have joint consiliums and operations. We systematically work with doctors of International Neurology Centre for improvement of qualification. We invite Turkmen colleagues to the clinics of Augsburg, exchange the practice including in my specialization – surgeries for prevention of insults. I hope that my knowledge and practice, which I share with surgeons from your country, will be a good help in the work and will be useful for the health of many people.

Professor Sohail Noahtar is for the first time in Turkmenistan. He is an epileptologist of the Health Centre of the Ludwig Maximillian Grossharden University of Munich.

I was impressed with your country. The department of epileptology in International Neurology Centre made special impression on me. I was shocked with its excellent provision that allows using modern methods of diagnostics, individual approach to the treatment of every patient, he said.

At present time, we monitor several patients and discuss the methods of their treatment together with doctors of International Neurology Centre. Number of topical subjects of epileptology was discussed during current conference. Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich works with the Ministry of health Protection and medical Industry of Turkmenistan for several years; it gives wide opportunity to young Turkmen doctors to improve their qualification and to receive new experience in our clinics.

Health 2019 exhibition and conference continue the work until July 22. Foreign participants will also visit medical facilities of our country where they will get familiar with the directions of their activity, themes of scientific and research works, share the opinions on professional subjects.

On the next day, the delegates of the forum will see celebration concert of art masters and dance groups in Ashgabat Cultural and Entertainment Centre on occasion of the Day of Personnel of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan.