Ï The Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry activates cooperation with relative facilities of Russia and Israel

The Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry activates cooperation with relative facilities of Russia and Israel

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Signing of memoranda and agreements of cooperation between the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and profile facilities of Russian Federation and Israel were an important outcome of the first day of International Health 2019 Forum.

The following has been signed: The memorandum of Understanding between the International Educational and Scientific Centre, Scientific and Clinical Centre of Mother and Child Health Protection as well as Scientific and Clinical Centre of Oncology of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and Federal State Facility “Acaddemic B. I. Kulakov National Medical Research Centre of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Perinatology”; Memorandum of Understanding between International Educational and Scientific Centre as well as S. A. Niyazov Medical and Consultation Centre of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan with S. P. Botkin Clinical hospital of Moscow, Russian Federation; memorandum of Understanding between the Hospital with Scientific and Clinical Centre of Cardiology of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and National Medical Research Centre of A. N. Bakulayev of the Ministry of Health Protection of Russian Federation; Memorandum of Understanding between International Centre of Traumatology as well as Scientific and Clinical Centre of Mother and Child Health Protection of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and Russian Scientific Centre “G. A. Ilizarov Rehabilitation Traumatology and Orthopaedics”.

The Agreement between the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of health Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation of cooperation in project of Development of simulation technologies in the system of medical education in Turkmenistan has also been signed.

The Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and the ministry of Health Protection of the State of Israel adopted the Plan of Cooperation in Health Protection and Medicine for 2019 – 2024.