Ï High results in children immunization in Turkmenistan are awarded with the UNICEF Certificate

High results in children immunization in Turkmenistan are awarded with the UNICEF Certificate

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High results in children immunization in Turkmenistan are awarded with the UNICEF Certificate
High results in children immunization in Turkmenistan are awarded with the UNICEF Certificate
High results in children immunization in Turkmenistan are awarded with the UNICEF Certificate
High results in children immunization in Turkmenistan are awarded with the UNICEF Certificate
High results in children immunization in Turkmenistan are awarded with the UNICEF Certificate
High results in children immunization in Turkmenistan are awarded with the UNICEF Certificate
International scientific conference Health 2019 has started its work in Turkmen capital. Speeches of the participants have been forestalled by the award ceremony of the UNICEF Certificate to the Government of Turkmenistan represented by the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry for high results in children immunization via National Immunization Programme sponsored by the Government.

“We admire relentless efforts of specialists of health protection sphere, who serve to the needs of the population, especially to women and children”, - Christin Wygand, the Permanent Representative of the UNICEF in Turkmenistan said at the ceremony, having congratulated medical personnel of the country on their professional holiday.

The UNICEF is the partner of Turkmenistan for 25 years. We are proud of our trustful cooperation in health protection sphere where we have reached significant results, she noted.

Expressing the support to the Government of the country in realization of socially oriented policy on behalf of the UNICEF, which is clearly reflected in the State Health Programme and National Programme of Social and Economic Development, Mrs Wygand said that while being one of the first countries in the world that adopted the Sustainable Development Goals Turkmenistan is able to achieve them until 2030. She has also mentioned that official delegation of Turkmenistan presented Voluntary National Report on the implementation of the SDGs at high-level political forum in New York on the day before.

Health and prosperity of children, teenagers and women is an important factor of the SDGs achievement, the Permanent Representative of the UNICEF in Turkmenistan has highlighted. She has also mentioned number of objectives, which, according to specialists, including Noble Prize nominees, would bring the profit of invested resources. Improvement of children immunization is one these objectives.

Commitment of Turkmenistan to immunization deserves special recognition, Christin Wygand continued, having noted that the Government of our country completely sponsors the procurement of the vaccine via the UNICEF starting from 2001 and provides all necessary for protection of high level of vaccination. The government allocated 17 million US dollars for purchase of three new vaccines against rotavirus and pneumococcal infections and hepatitis A.

We are proud that we are the part of this historical process where the Government is responsible for and is the locomotive of the agenda of change and development, which has progressive, wise, innovative and humane character, the UNICEF Representative said. Giving award for the leadership in support of high indicators of children immunization in the country.

Stable and growing investments of Turkmenistan to immunization are practical measures for strengthening of mother and child health. Elimination of the polio in the country is one of the most impressive achievements. Almost 110,000 children until one-year age are regularly vaccinated from infectious diseases every year. Recent results of independent survey carried out by international experts indicate more than 95 percent coverage of children immunization and progress in other important indicators of their wealth, which is the outcomes of strong political will in these subjects.

In 2015, the Government and the UN Children Fund signed five-year Memorandum of Understanding on procurement of vital vaccines to the amount of more than 40 million US dollars. Total amount has increased two times comparing with the last six-year period.

According to the recommendations and methodological help of the World Health Organization and the UNICEF, new vaccines are introduced to national vaccination calendar. For example, vaccine against virus hepatitis has been introduced in 2002. Combined vaccine against measles, rubella and parotitis was introduced in 2007; combined vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and hepatitis B, against HIB have been introduced in 2010. Vaccine against new formation caused by the papilloma of human virus and inactive poliomyelitis vaccine have been introduced in 2016. Mrs Wygand reminded that additional finances have been allocated recently for procurement of three new vaccines.