Ï The 11th volume of encyclopaedia of medicinal flora is presented to the public

The 11th volume of encyclopaedia of medicinal flora is presented to the public

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The 11th volume of encyclopaedia of medicinal flora is presented to the public
The 11th volume of encyclopaedia of medicinal flora is presented to the public
The 11th volume of encyclopaedia of medicinal flora is presented to the public
The 11th volume of encyclopaedia of medicinal flora is presented to the public
The 11th volume of encyclopaedia of medicinal flora is presented to the public
The 11th volume of encyclopaedia of medicinal flora is presented to the public
The 11th volume of encyclopaedia of medicinal flora is presented to the public
The 11th volume of encyclopaedia of medicinal flora is presented to the public
Presentation of new publication, the 11th volume of fundamental work of the President of the country, Academic of the Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medicine, Professor Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan”, which was published on occasion of professional holiday of personnel of health protection industry oft eh country, was held under International Health 2019 Exhibition that started in Ashgabat.

Published in big volume in many world languages, previous volumes of this encyclopaedia of medicinal plants and traditional phyto therapy became the heritage of millions of foreign readers, having given them a unique opportunity to adhere to centuries-old practice and traditions of Turkmen nation. This work is not just a monograph addressed for certain specialists but it is also addressed to the whole world, all people who would be able to feel and understand Turkmenistan, to fall in love with this generous place where wise and kind nation lives in peace and harmony with the nature. In our country, “Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan” serves as practical manual for specialists of various medical directions.

It was mentioned at the presentation that scientific work of the Head of the State made big contribution not only to the development of national pharmaceutical science but also to the world phyto therapy. Undoubtedly, new boom will give an impulse to the work for creation of efficient medicine from natural materials using the principle of synthesis of old traditions and modern innovations in medical practice.

The principle was put as the foundation of the development of medical industry of Turkmenistan by the Head of the State. The production of medical industry of the country includes hundreds of high quality medicine, which can easily compete with foreign analogues.

Dozens of them are local medicinal herbs, roots and fruits of medical plants, which are vry popular among the population. Owing to direct attention of the Leader of the nation, this list is always added with new items. Turkmen pharmacists study new medicines from local materials of plant origin taking the knowledge from the book of the Head of the State expanding the variety and volumes of medical production.

The 11th volume of the book, which is the result of many years of scientific and research work of Turkmen leader, will also serve to comprehensive strengthening of friendly relations between countries and nations including in such important directions as humanitarian, scientific and educational spheres, the participants of the presentation highlighted in their speeches.