Ï Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space

Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space

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Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Diplomacy of health protection sphere on the CIS space
Turkmen capital hosted the XXIX session of the Health Cooperation Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States organized under the chairing of Turkmenistan in the CIS this year.

Heads and leading specialists of profile departments from the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Armenia, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry and scientific and clinical centres of our country were the delegates of profile forum.

Representatives of the CIS Executive Committee, Antiparliamentary Assembly of the CIS countries, WHO European Regional Bureau, Regional Representative Office of International Association of the Red Crescent and Red Cross, UNAIDS for Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries, Association of the Directors of Centres and Institutes of Oncology and Radiology of the CIS and Europe has also taken part in the event.

Current meetings is aimed at the strengthening of traditionally friendly interstate relations in social sphere especially in health protection sphere. Priority vectors of cooperation in medical sphere under the CIS, the fulfilment of the decision of the Council of the Programme of cooperation in prevention and treatment of diabetes for 2016 – 2020, Joint Action Plan of prevention of spread of tuberculosis in 2020 – 2024 have been outlined among the main objectives.

The agenda also included the realization of the Strategy of the Health of the population of the Commonwealth of Independent States countries in 2020 – 2021 as well as activity of the basic organization in psychiatry and addiction.

Opening the session, Kamolzoda Mirhamuddin, the chairman of the session and member of the Council, Deputy Minister and Health Protection and Social Protection of the Population, General State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Tajikistan expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the Government of Turkmenistan for organization of the forum, having highlighted that constructive cooperation of the CIS countries in this sphere is aimed at the consolidation of humanitarian efforts for high goals.

Having noted that «Health Protection and Diplomacy for Health. Selection of Priorities under the Commonwealth of Independent States” was outlined as one of the main subjects, the guest focused on the importance of the subjects of the agenda such as the climate change, pandemics and modern models of consumption of social benefits and medical services. It was mentioned in this context that diplomacy in this sphere becomes quite urgent and integral part of foreign course of many countries.

Today, health and prosperity of the citizens is outlined as a priority of every state on international level. Success in the economy and social life cannot be guaranteed without efficient solution of this subject and what is most important it is impossible to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

In this regard, big role is given to the activity of the Health Cooperation Council of the CIS, which was founded in 1992 and includes the heads of profile ministries and the general state sanitary doctors of the Commonwealth countries.

Five working authorities work on permanent base under this structure for development of the draft relative documents. These are Interstate Commission for Standardization, Registration and Quality Control of Medicinal Plants, Medical Items and Equipment; Interstate Commission for Sanitary and Epidemiology Standardization; Coordination Committee for HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Problems; Coordination Committee for Sanitary Protection of Territories of the CIS countries from import and spread of dangerous infectious diseases; Coordination Council for Organization of Medical Prevention and Development of Health Protection.

The Council works productively with the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations AIDS Programme (UNAIDS), the World Health Assembly, the UN Children Fund (UNICEF).

During interesting discussion of priority vectors of the partnership, the participants expressed an unanimous opinion that the meeting is to support the consolidation of efforts in this socially important direction as well as the initiation of new joint projects and programme. It was mentioned that it is necessary to take into account modern achievements in this sphere for expansion of interstate cooperation.

The participants of the event were introduced in details with success of Turkmenistan in this sphere, which development is one of the main indicators of efficiency of the state policy. Provision of permanent right of every human on health, timely medical service and prevention, equal access of all layers of the population to qualitative medical aid are the main objectives of the concept of improvement of national medicine.

Long-term Health Programme, which is implemented in the country at present, contains new approach to the development of national health protection on innovative base. The work for formation of medical sphere meeting the WHO requirements is carried out in full volume.

Specific figures and facts have been reported. In particular, it was informed that modern treatment and diagnostic clinics, health centres, Ene Myahri centres, sanatoriums, children health improving and recreation complexes have been built in the country for short period.

Efficient measures are taken for proper provision of mother and child health protection, reduction of number of infectious and non-infectious diseases, popularization of the principles of healthy life style. Big attention is paid to uncompromising combat against such bad habits as drug addiction, tobacco smoking and alcoholism.

Pharmaceutical sphere is also improved. Production of high quality medicines and other goods of relative purpose was arranged on the base of different plants growing in Turkmenistan.

Progressive reforms in our country have provided high level of medical aid; the spectrum of services based on innovative technologies including in the sphere of control of non-infectious diseases was expanded.

National Action Plan of Tobacco Control for 2017 – 2021, National Alcohol Consumption Reduction Programme for 2018 – 2024, National Programme of Support and Development of Sports and Physical Training Education for 2011 – 2020, National Strategy in Enhancement of Physical Activity of Population for 2018 – 2025, national Programme of Protection of Mental Health of Population and many other programmes, which have been adopted and are under active implementation, are aimed at the reduction of spread of risk factors.

Wide application of information and communication technologies in national sphere of health protection and medical industry is among the main achievements. Special attention is paid to the training of qualified personnel and formation of new generation of scientists who make studies in medical sphere.

Speaking of the aspects of international cooperation in this field, the reporters stated productive character of cooperation with competent organizations, especially with profile structural divisions of the United Nations as well as with the European Union, leading world medical centres, scientific and research institutes of various world countries including the CIS countries.

Improvement of activity for protection of mother and child health, full-scale preventive activities, training of personnel and improvement of qualification, enforcement of control of quality and safety of food products, dangerous infectious diseases as well as vaccination preventive diseases are the main vectors of the strategy in this direction.

All these measures support further strengthening of authority and role of Turkmenistan in the world arena as a state providing stable social and economic development. Award of international certificates to our country, which prove the elimination of dracunculiasis, polio, malaria, enrichment of flour with iron and folic acid and table salt with iodine, are visual evidence of significant achievements of national health protection system. It is also worth to mention that practice of Turkmen health protection system was recommended for distribution in the states of European region of the WHO.

The Agreement on Cooperation in Control of the Growth of Diabetic Diseases, project of the network of institutes of public health and information of health protection of the CIS countries, activity of Coordination Council for problems of sanitary protection of territory of the Commonwealth countries, Association of Directors of Centres and Institutes of Oncology and Radiology of the CIS and Eurasia were the subjects of interested discussion.

The participants have also shared the views on the subjects of monitoring of tobacco consumption as one of strategic instrument of protection of younger generations from tobacco addiction and its harmful impact.

Results of work of Interstate Dentist Association, Interstate Commission for Standardization, Registration and Quality Control of Medicine, Medical Items and Equipment, Working Group for medical, sanitary and epidemiological provision of civil aviation flights, Expert Council for Problems of Diabetes have been summed up at the meeting. Special attention was paid to perspectives of integration of national systems of electronic health protection in the Commonwealth as well as to the Draft Law on Organs Donation.

The participants have also reviewed the Plan of Equal Access to Health Protection Services for people with HIV in the CIS, the Plan of main activities of the Health Cooperation Council of the CIS for 2020. Outcomes of the 72nd World Health Protection Assembly, which was held in Geneva on May 20 – 28 this year, were one of the subjects.

In addition, the participants of the session discussed organizational issues including the organization of the session of the Working Group for development of Joint Action Plan of the CIS countries for counteraction against antimicrobials and next XXX session of the Council and number of others.

On the next day, the participants of the session of the Council will take part in the work of International exhibition and scientific conference Health 2019.

According to the programme of the visit to Ashgabat, the guests were given the opportunity to see the attractions of the capital, culture, heritage and traditions of Turkmen nation.