Ï Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started

Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started

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Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started
Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started
Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started
Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started
Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started
Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started
Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started
Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started
Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started
Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started
Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started
Important Turkmen – Afghan project of construction of Akina – Andhoy railway started
The delegation of our country composed of representatives of relative ministries and departments took part in the events on occasion of the opening ceremony of 10-km railway and at Akina railway station and launch of construction of Akina – Andhoy railroad in Faryab Province, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Current event is another evidence of successfully developing goodwill Turkmen – Afghan relations. As it was informed the Memorandum of Understanding on construction of Akina – Andhoy railroad between Türkmendemirýollary Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication of Turkmenistan and Railroad Transport Department of Afghanistan has been signed in February this year in the result of bilateral high-level talks in Ashgabat.

The project is aimed at the expansion of transport communication between our states and provision of integrated logistic services to the partners from fraternal country.

Kerky – Imamnazar – Akina railroad, which was put into operation with participation of the Head of the State in autumn 2016, is the first link of International Asian transport corridor. Before the opening, all volume of cargoes between Turkmenistan and Afghanistan was delivered by Serhetabad – Turgundy and Kelif – Termez – Mazar-i-Sharif railroad corridors. The need of this railway is obvious and its importance will grow with the connection of new logistic routes to it.

At present time, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan actively work of continuation of construction of this road on the territory of neighbouring country, which is indicated by current events.

It is worth to make special mention that construction of railway in Afghanistan is carried out by the finance of Turkmen side and our personnel and material resources – workers, engineers, equipment including railway machines, cranes, construction materials are used at the same time. Turkmen specialists not only build the railroad but also develop of the facilities of relative infrastructure.

In future, this railroad is planned to be extended to the border with Tajikistan with further entry to the states of Asian Pacific region. By this, the neighbouring country will have an opportunity to become an important link of international transport corridors running across Central Asia in the North – South and East – West directions.

Turkmen delegation, which arrived for the events, was greeted by the heads of the Administration of Faryab Province, structural divisions of railroad transport of Afghanistan, representatives of public, clergy, personnel of Akina railway station, numerous local residents.

Carriages loaded with modern equipment and construction materials, which are necessary for the launch of construction of Akina – Andhoy railroad went from Imamnazar railway station, Lebap Velayat toward neighbouring country.

On behalf of the Government of the country and Afghan people, the representatives of Afghan side expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and fraternal Turkmen people for permanent support and held in peaceful revival of Afghanistan.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning that according to the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, special motorcade with big batch of another humanitarian cargo left Ashgabat toward neighbouring country on July 24. The caravan arrived in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on the day of the opening ceremony. Ministries of education, health protection and medical industry, trade and foreign economic affairs, textile industry of Turkmenistan as well as the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs made their input in preparation of this action.

Heads of the administrations and population of the regions of Afghanistan, for whom this humanitarian aid was sent, expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for comprehensive support.

In addition, Turkmenistan steadily implements number of projects including the projects of provision of electric energy and liquefied gas to Afghan people on beneficial terms, construction of economic and social facilities on the territory of Afghanistan. Important prole is given to large-scale and long-term international energy project of the TAPI gas line among the examples of fruitful cooperation.

Having spoken of the cooperation in transport sphere, the participants of the ceremony highlighted the importance of Lapis Lazuli (Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey) transport corridor. It was mentioned that efficient use of transcontinental corridor would make positive effect on the expansion of the partnership between participating countries of this project and would support the expansion of productie contacts on vast geographic and economic space.

Today, Afghanistan seeks for additional sale markets of its agricultural production. Thus, Akina – Andhoy railway line will open new capabilities for development of the economy of the country, activation of small and medium business, entry of Afghan production to the world market.

The participants highlighted that current events are visual evidence of the attention of Turkmenistan to the aspects of activation of the partnership with Afghanistan and other neighbouring states, with which it connected by geographic proximity, historical and cultural connections, mutual economic interest, willingness to implement new joint projects.

Organizers of the event noted that Afghanistan hopes for the implementation of big projects in energy, transport, communication and social spheres initiated by Turkmen leader. Afghan people highly appreciate this support and values the friendship with fraternal Turkmen nation, the participants of the ceremony noted.

Practice of cooperation in foreign sphere gained by Turkmenistan and Afghanistan serves to the strengthening of goodwill relations. In this context, the partnership of two countries under competent international structures, especially under the United Nations, is very important.

Turkmenistan and Afghanistan think that provision of stable and long-term peace, sustainable development and security in the region are priority aspects, that this is fruitful bilateral cooperation will be one of the main terms for the achievement of this goal and activation of positive regional processes.

The president of Turkmenistan highlights the willingness of our country to render comprehensive support to the UN and other international and regional structures in establishment of the mechanisms of prevention and elimination of the conflicts in the region, in development of relative political and diplomatic methods.

In addition to constructive partnership in political and economic spheres, our countries also actively work in educational sphere. Hundreds of young men and women received education in Turkmenistan and already work in different branches of the economy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

At present time, Afghan students study in several high educational institutes of our country including in agricultural, pedagogic, energy, transport and communication institutes as well as in International Oil and Gas University. Turkmenistan intends to continue this practice.

During official visit of President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mohammad Ashraf Ghani to our country in February this year, the continuity of relation between two countries, mutual willingness to close cooperation for strengthening of peace and security in the region and entire planet, firm commitment to beneficial economic partnership and joint implementation of large-scale projects have been confirmed.

In particular, the involvement of Afghanistan into the projects of establishment of large-scale transport infrastructure in the region, which are implemented by Turkmenistan, is an important objective in this direction.

In this context, the events on occasion of the opening of 10-km railway line at Akina railway station and launch of construction of Akina – Andhoy railroad became a bright evidence of the fact that Turkmen – Afghan dialog is on new level of development and specific measures are taken for its improvement.

Celebration atmosphere of current events was highlighted by performance of art masters and folk collectives.