Ï Bayramaly Sanatorium: Unique combination of natural and geographic factors

Bayramaly Sanatorium: Unique combination of natural and geographic factors

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Bayramaly Sanatorium: Unique combination of natural and geographic factors
Today, sanatorium and resort sphere of Turkmenistan is actively developed, old health resort are reconstructed, new buildings are raised and provided with equipment on the level of the world standards.

Bayramaly Sanatorium is one of the most famous health resorts of our country where not only Turkmenistan citizens but also the patients coming from all parts of the world spend their holidays and improve their health. It is worth mentioning that this is the only health resort in Central Asia and Europe for treatment of kidney diseases where the climate therapy is the main healing factor.

Located in Mary oasis next to the monuments of Ancient Merv where the air is filled with the history, the sanatorium is also considered as an original attraction of this famous place.

The history of the foundation of the health resort is very interesting. Glory of wonderful part of Turkmen land, which is filled with dryness, warmth and sun, having good healing features, went far beyond the country in the end of XIX century. Back in 1887, it was decided to build grand-ducal residence for royal family (Gosudarevo Imenie) in favourable climate zone.

Architectural image of this unique building was protected until our days. The health resort is located in the centre of the wind rose, in huge shady park of 44 hectares surrounded by evergreen trees at the height of 242 meters above the sea level in the oasis between Karakum Desert and Murgab River.

Dry and hot climate of the place, where the temperature reaches 40 degrees in the shade in summer and is on 30 – 35 degrees in spring and autumn with 10 – 35 percent of relative humidity, high insolation and evaporation, absence of rain from June to September and little of precipitation in other months is designated for healing of people who suffer from diseases of kidney, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nerve systems by the nature itself.

Climate therapy remains the main method of treatment of the patients with kidney diseases until today. In particular, capabilities and advantages of aerotherapy (treatment by hot air), heliotherapy (treatment by sunbeams) and hydrotherapy (treatment by water) are widely used in this place. Full course of treatment improves state of health, rehabilitates workability, prevents progression of diseases.

According to the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, overall reconstruction of the building has been carried out in Bayramaly Resort. New buildings have also been erected. The opening ceremony of Bayramaly Kidney health Resort took place with participation of the Head of the State on May 5, 2010.

During the event, the Head of the State highlighted that decision on development of this oldest historical resorts that has rare healing capabilities was made for improvement of quality and expansion of the range of treatment and health improving services.

Renovated Bayramaly Sanatorium includes two five-storey buildings for 250 patients each and four old buildings, which have been completely restored. All buildings are provided with latest technological and medical equipment from the leading European, especially German, manufacturers.

Turkmenistan successfully cooperates with big producers of medical equipment and doctors from Germany for a long time. By the initiative of Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, scientific conferences and exhibitions are organized in the country with participation of German colleagues. Doctors exchange the practice and specialists of the sphere.

The sanatorium has cultural club for 200 seats, canteen for 800 people as well as three-storey building of health centre, developed park territory. Today, up to thousand patients, for who the most comfortable conditions on the level of world standards have been made, are able to have a course of intensive therapy simultaneously.

Living quarters include single and double rooms with separate bathrooms. It also has family rooms. The first floor of the health centre has water therapy department, dentist, inhalation, massage rooms as well as baths, sauna and swimming pool. The second floor has doctor rooms, meeting hall, rooms of ozokerite and wax therapy.

The third floor has diagnostic department provided with modern equipment like ultrasound, ECG units, endoscopy room as well as physiotherapy rooms and laboratories. Qualified personnel work in the health centre.

Sleep in open air, sunbaths, healing showers, electro-light treatment, therapeutic physical training, massage and acupuncture are used for integrated health improvement of the patients. Salt-free diet with special products (grapes, water melons, green tea) has been developed for nephrology patients.

It is thought that autumn and winter season is the best for the treatment of the patients with cardiovascular diseases, which are offered to have a course of balneotherapy. Mineral baths with soda, salt, aromatic oils, coniferous extracts as well as different showers, which make positive effect on skin and organism in general are used for improvement of healing efficiency.

Free time occupies special place in the schedule of the patients. The territory of Bayramaly Sanatorium has tennis, volleyball grounds, swimming pools. Tours to the monuments of Ancient Merv are organized. The guest are able to wall along park alleys and visit the library.

Local museum demonstrates ancient artefacts, in particular, decorative pottery, which remained until our days. Section dedicated to the history of medicine demonstrating ancient instruments and medical books published in XIX century is also very interesting.