Ï Avaza Sanatorium. Innovative resort and health improvement complex

Avaza Sanatorium. Innovative resort and health improvement complex

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Unique climate of our country, which is an important factor of resort treatment, various natural landscapes allow turning Turkmenistan into international health resort.

This is brightly indicated by the project of Avaza National tourist zone initiated by the Head of the State. According to the concept of development of this place, high-class sanatoriums, hotels with treatment and therapy departments, children health centres have been built and are continued to be constructed.

The opening ceremony of Avaza Sanatorium took place last year with participation of the Head of the State. Meeting highest international standards, the complex is designed for 200 people.

Once you enter the territory of the health resort, which occupies almost 19,000 square meters, you realize that it is not just a sanatorium but the whole resort city with all relative infrastructure.

The main 9-storey building welcomes the guest on the level of high-class hotel. White-marble building of original architecture has single and double rooms, rooms for people with disabilities, suits, super lux and king lux rooms.

Despite its high-class hotel format of reception of guests, the sanatorium has the atmosphere of wonderful calmness, which helps people to forget about daily hassles and fuss and to concentrate on rest and treatment.

Specialized departments of the centre are designated for wide spectrum of treatment and rehabilitation services as well as diagnostics of different diseases including the diseases of respiratory tract, musculoskeletal, nerve, endocrine, cardiovascular systems.

The sanatorium has hydrotherapy department with swimming pools and spa, consulting and diagnostic, rehabilitation, physiotherapy departments, radiology, ultrasound, ECG, electrical therapy, massage, acupuncture rooms as well as clinical laboratories. In addition, it provides qualified services of otolaryngologist, dentists and other specialists.

The resort has a water well, which provides treatment mineral water from the depth of 600 meters, which contains iodine and bromine as well as anions like chlorine, hydrocarbonate and cations of calcium, magnesium and potassium.

The ground floor accommodates balneotherapy and mud therapy departments with baths of the latest modifications for under water massage and stretching of spinal cord, 4-chamber bath tubs for arms and legs.

Together with mineral baths, the visitors can have a session of chromotherapy – the treatment by light. Both methods make favourable effect on health condition of people due to their universality.

It could not go without hi-tech for different treatment showers including Charcot's douche, local water therapy treatment, treatment by wax, ozokerite, medicinal muds from famous Mollakara Lake.

All treatments are not only healthy but pleasant as well. It can be applied not only by medical prescription for different diseases but also as tonic, rejuvenation and cosmetology treatments.

The ground floor of rehabilitation centre has hydrotherapy department with sea and mineral water, which is provided with the latest medical equipment like water training simulators and underwater treadmills.

It is worth mentioning that special hydraulic devices for moving into swimming pools and back are available for the patients with diseases of locomotory system. Often, the exercises in water are more efficient than in open air. All exercises are selected individually and carried out under control of treatment and adaptive physical training instructors.

Such modern methods of therapy as aqua massage, cryotherapy, barotherapy as well as infrared beam therapy, dry and Turkish sauna, steam bath, halotherapy, aromatic therapy, Kneipp water therapy and other are available in spa department.

For example, cold therapy (-60 to -120 degrees), which activates reserve capabilities of the body and stimulates the work of internal organs, is carried out using cryochamber. This method is used not only for certain diseases but also as immunomodulating agent in aesthetic medicine. Infrared chamber made of natural wood, which produces healthy phytoncides while heated, helps to clear the body of waste products.

The first floor has consulting and diagnostic department with neurology, orthopaedy, dermatology, cardiology, ECG, x-ray, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, endocrinology cabinets provided with the advanced equipment. The sanatorium has a laboratory with analytical equipment of wide profile and other specialized equipment.

The second floor has rehabilitation and physiotherapy departments with innovative technological equipment for specialists of rehabilitation medicine. Highly qualified rehabilitation physical training doctors are available for the patients. Wide range of modern methods and individual approach give good results. The gym is equipped with the latest appliances and simulators.

It is worth mentioning that physical training therapy training is developed according to special programmes with the exercises for different groups of the patients by the doctor and instructor.

Physio therapy department of the Avaza Sanatorium also offers wide range of therapy aimed at maximum result for treatment of spinal cord, cardiovascular system, respiratory diseases, rehabilitation after the stroke and injuries.

Mechanic therapy, which is physical training exercises on simulators designed for development of movements in certain joints in gentle mode, ergotherapy, which is aimed at the rehabilitation of lost moving skills caused by disease and injury, sling therapy are used for treatment of the patients.

In particular, during the exercise the patient is suspended in special bandage on flexible bands, which increase the endurance of muscles, to strengthen deep musculature and to improve the overall wellness. This therapy is recommended by medical prescription (against scoliosis , hernias and other) as well as for sportsmen as additional training and for people with sitting mode of work.

The guests are offered with ozone therapy, which has recommended itself as prevention method against influenza, cold and ENT-illnesses as well as their fast treatment method. It results in improvement pf blood circulation, metabolism in tissues, work of all internal organs.

In addition, the Avaza Sanatorium offers such types of physiotherapy as press therapy (massage by compressed air), laser therapy, aromatic therapy as well as halotherapy when the walls and floor is covered with multi-layer salt cover. This method is based on artificial microclimate similar to the conditions of salt caves. Everything is thought to the latest details in order the patient feels maximum comfort and medical personnel was comfortable to control the processes, the most part of which is automated.

The health resort has excellent conditions for comfort sat of the patients. It has a library, internet cafes, billard, open swimming pool, cafeteria, sport grounds of gaming sports and tennis. Phyto bar offers healthy drinks and healing cocktails.

Sea water, air saturated with ions of iodine, mineral clay and flora of Avaza, all of these is a healing power of nature. The sanatorium has excellent conditions for overall health improvement, strengthening of immune system and enhancement of life tone.

Expanding its borders, the sea resort at clean Caspia coast is very popular in the country and raise growing interest abroad proving its future and undisputable success of grandiose project.

Orientation to innovations, advanced engineering and technical ideas, high level of service make the prepositions for this magnificent part of Turkmen land become recognized centre of international tourism.