Ï Development of science sphere: Investments to human capital and high technologies

Development of science sphere: Investments to human capital and high technologies

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Work for creation of new directions of scientific and technological developments is successfully carried out in Turkmenistan, measures for attraction of talented youth to the sphere of high technologies are taken.

Together with their tutors, young scientists make studies in such current directions as nano-materials, chemical, biological and information technologies, mechatronics, robotics and innovations. Fundamental, practical and theoretic developments support the enhancement of the authority of Turkmenistan in international scientific space.

The Centre of Young Scientists under the Academy of Sciences and Magtumguly Youth Organization’s Central Council carry out work for stimulation of younger generation to do scientific and cultural activity. The cooperation is also carried out between scientific and research institutes of the Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan and high educational institutes. Students of the institutes studying such directions as history and archaeology take part in the excavations at historical and cultural monuments; meetings and talks with scientists and conferences are organized for them.

Seminars are held for graduate and doctoral students, young scientists and specialists. Courses for improvement of qualification are organized for them in big scientific centres of foreign countries for familiarization with the world practice, expansion of knowledges, professional improvement and mastering of innovative technologies.

The meeting of the President of Turkmenistan with representatives of scientific and community, professors and teachers of high educational institutes on June 12 this year outlined new stage of reforms in scientific and technical sphere. Important decisions made by the Head of the State during the session are to strengthen the potential of modern science and its role in innovative development of the country.

Structure, management and legal base of science system are modernized according to time demands, big investments are sent for implementation of achievements of scientific and technical progress and innovations. All conditions are made for training engineers of high qualification, who are able to master modern knowledge and science, talented scientists. At the same time, cooperation in these spheres with big international organizations and leading scientific and educational centres is intensified.

Enhancement of efficiency of scientific studies in all branches of the economy, use of capabilities of scientific and research centres, high educational institutes become more current in this aspect.

Documents adopted by the Head of the State during the session are aimed at this. In particular, the Leader of the Nation has signed the Resolution on Enhancement of efficiency of scientific and research works in Turkmenistan for further acceleration of social and economic development of the country, improvement of role of science in the development of the economy based on use of advanced technologies, innovations and scientific achievements.

For proper control of scientific works and provision of their efficiency, the Resolution of the President of the country established interdepartmental commission for provision of efficiency of scientific studies in Turkmenistan.

The Head of the State signed the Order on Establishment of the Fund of Development of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan for improvement of financing of scientific conferences, visits, innovative discoveries and joint international scientific projects.

Having noted that it was decided to allocate 35 million manats to the Academy of Sciences for improvement of scientific potential of independent Turkmenistan, further strengthening of equipment and facility base of the Academy of Sciences and its organizations, broad government support of qualified scientific personnel, the President signed the Resolution on Financial Support of development of science in Turkmenistan.

According to the document, the Ministry of Finances and Economics was assigned to develop the measures of economic stimulation offering relative preferences for institutes, facilities and organizations implementing scientific and practical developments to production. It was highlighted that the utmost attention has to be paid to the study of processing of organic and non-organic materials, minerals, hydrocarbon resources, development of new materials of construction, industrial, textile and social purpose based on natural resources of the country, development of energy saving technologies.

Reformation of science and education systems has been declared as the utmost objectives at the session of the Council of Elders on May 14, 2010. Around 16 billion US dollars have been allocated for solution of these objectives. 623 facilities with advanced equipment including kindergartens, schools, colleges, institutes and universities including modern Centre of Technologies have been built.

Material and technical base of scientific and research institutes and high schools of the country has been fundamentally improved under the reforms regulating legal, economic and organizational issues in science sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted. The main directions of development of science have been outlined, relative regulatory documents, special Programme and Provision, the Law on the State Scientific and Technical Policy have been adopted.

Such actual objectives as development of fundamental sciences, formation of new generation of scientists, attraction of youth to scientific activity were reflected in the Law of Turkmenistan on Legal Status of Scientific Personnel.

Development of agriculture, medicine, pharmacy and food industry, molecular biology, genetics, bioengineering, biomedicine are also very important for the economy. In particular, this is related to the selection of agricultural crops and livestock, cultivation of new species, hybrids with the use of modern methods of biotechnology, opening of various production facilities.

At the same time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of creation of gene pool of flora and fauna, ecological studies including in the area of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake as well as use of potential of national space satellite, formation of transport and logistic centres, scientific proof of political and economic importance of international transport and transit corridors.

Information and communication technologies are related to new direction of national science. As is known the country has taken the course toward the digitization of the economy, social sector and humanitarian sphere. Modern computer and communication systems, electronic document management system is implemented all over the place.

Therefore, Turkmen scientists have all conditions and wide field of activity. The main thing is that their scientific projects will bring the result. In particular, increment of the role of scientific, scientific and technical production in total volume of domestic gross value of the country is one of the main indicators of the benefits of investments into this sphere.

Hence, it is necessary to analyse the proposals and achievements of the implementation of scientific developments, to make evaluation of the projects of scientific and research institutes and facilities. According to the Resolution of the Head of the State, this assignment was given to the above-mentioned interdepartmental commission.

It is worth to remind that specific measures have been already taken for enforcement of integration of science, education and production, which includes the re-organization of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, number of institutes of which was given to relative universities. In this context, an important role is given to profile Fund of Development of Sciences founded by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

There are many current developments in the collection of Turkmen academic science. These are hydrological and chemical studies of drainage waters of the system of Turkmen Lake, based on which ecological maps that became a target for development of agriculture, livestock farming and fishery in arid zone have been made. As is known, the construction of social and production complex of new type has been started with participation of the Leader of the Nation in May this year.

Unique hydro-technical facility, which was built in Karakum Desert, is indeed innovative project that indicates that our country makes significant input to solution of global problems related to the protection of water resources and improvement of ecology in Central Asia and neighbouring regions.

Scientific studies for protection of environment and biodiversity of Caspian Sea, study of its tectonics and seismic activity are carried out according to the Programme of development of innovative activity in Turkmenistan. It has scientific and practical importance taking into account the plans of social and economic development of the western region of the country, development of its hydrocarbon and other natural resources, realization of transit and transport potential, construction of big chemical, oil and gas processing facilities as well as sanatoriums and resorts in Avaza National tourist zone.

It is worth mentioning that the Academy of Sciences and the Mejlis with relative ministries and departments develop the programme of reduction of seismic risks in the areas with increased seismic activity of the country. Number of other projects in this sphere is carried out in the partnership with the Agency of International Cooperation of Japan, the UN Development Programme and other competent organizations.

Scientists of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan have developed technical and commercial specification of integrated development of mineral reserves of Garabogazgol. The project, which was accomplished by the order of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa, provides the construction of three workshops for production of anhydrous sodium sulphate, magnesium sulphate (epsomite) and magnesium chloride (bischofite). Technical conditions for development of Durnaly Phosphate Section of Magdanly – Koytendag Ore Basin were prepared by the order of Turkmenabat Chemical Plant.

The list of intellectual production of Turkmen scientists like studies, scientific inventions and rational proposals, which received relative patents, is very big. This is development of formulas of construction materials from local resources, new species of medium and fine fibre cotton, which is adapted to soil and climate conditions of the velayats, methods of securing of the Karakums sands.

Big work is carried out for study of history and culture of Turkmenistan including in linguistics, ethnography, archaeology, protection of rich spiritual heritage of the nation and unique natural landscapes of the country.

For the last several years, the geography of the partnership between Turkmen and foreign scientists has significantly expanded; close contacts with competent scientific and educational centres including the countries of European Union, USA, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Russia, Belarus, China, Turkey and other have been established. International forums, which are regularly held in Ashgabat, are aimed at wide cooperation in science sphere.

Conditions favourable for initiatives are used efficiently and national entrepreneurs enter an international level and master new technologies of production and marketing. The Centre of Technologies of the Academy of Sciences where direct dialog with the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs has been established serves as a starting point for implementation of perspective scientific ideas.

For example, the first private microbiological laboratory, which makes independent tests of food production for provision of its safety and certification according to international standards, has been opened in Ashgabat last March. It was opened by the initiative of the UIET by Hil Standart business entity with support of the USAID Project on Competiveness, Trade and Creation of Working Places in Central Asia.

This project is indicative by many aspects – it can serve as an example of successful implementation of private initiative, which is useful for the state and society, participation of entrepreneurs in solution of objectives for development of national system of standardization and certification, expansion of export of production made in the country as well as attraction of additional investments and use of modern technologies.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that implementation of advanced developments in national economy, improvement of scientific potential of the country supports to the entry of national science to the world level. Our country was elected two times in the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development in 2014 – 2016 and 2017 – 2020, which is an example of its growing international authority in this sphere.