Ï Aspects of cooperation in renewable energy sphere are discussed in Ashgabat

Aspects of cooperation in renewable energy sphere are discussed in Ashgabat

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Turkmen capital hosted round-table meeting on the Importance of International Cooperatio in Development of Renewable Energy.

Representatives of number of organizations of Turkmenistan including the ministries of energy, foreign affairs, education, agricultural and natural protection took part in the work of the forum. Specialists of International Renewable Energy Agency, OSCE, UNDP and the World Bank has also been involved in the event.

In the course of its natural protection policy, Turkmenistan has always demonstrated the activity in search for the ways of expansion of cooperation with other states and international structures including for minimization of ecological risks, implementation of advanced technologies and efficient approaches into production.

Speeches of the participants of current meeting were focused on the processes of development of the Plan of Development of Renewable Energy for Turkmenistan until 2030, development of the report on the future of this sphere in our country as well as realization of the projects in renewable energy sources (RES) sphere together with international organizations and donors. The issues of development of regulatory and legal base and involvement of private sector to RES have also been discussed.

Turkmenistan pays great attention to such current subject in global scale as alternative energy. At the same time, our country has favourable conditions for use of solar and wind energy, intensification of the potential of ‘green’ economy.

Making speech at the Headquarter of the United Nations Organization in New York at the UN Summit for Global Agenda after 2015, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that it is impossible to achieve social and economic development of the states and nations of the planet without care of environment.

The concept of the Head of the State implies reasonable management methods, scientific organization of production and application of advanced technologies allowing avoiding negative influence on natural ecosystems. Stable ecological situation in Turkmenistan despite its rapid industrial development is an evidence of achievement of this.

In the last years, Turkmen state successfully cooperates in this sphere with international organizations for exchange of practice and implementation of the world best practice. It is worth mentioning that our country has become full member in International Renewable Energy Agency.