Ï Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work

Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work

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Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work
Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work
Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work
Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work
Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work
Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work
Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work
Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work
Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work
Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work
Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work
Holiday of Turkmen leader: Active rest, literature and musical work
While being on holiday, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continues active art activity, it is well-known that Turkmen leader invariably tries to pay some time to do sport exercises, music, writing and scientific work despite his tight working schedule filled with important government affairs and events, visits and high-level meetings.

Days off give more opportunity for this. Thus, the Head of the State has plunged into literary work, having completed the book dedicated to Turkmen alabays. This breed of dogs, which remained its pedigree and ancient gene type, can be easily called as the part of historical heritage of our nation together with ahalteke horse and man-made carpet making.

New work based on summarization of huge research materials, analysis of scientific publications and manuscripts will supplement the collection of books written by the Head of the State about the pride and heritage of Turkmens.

Having exceptional fighting and watching features, brave and smart alabays are friendly and exclusively dedicated to the owner. The alabay is strong defender and brave fighter and at the same time, it is very friendly to the kids who find it as reliable friend.

Being very popular among the Turkmen nation, they are literally the members of the family. It is not occasional that the alabay was selected as the image of Ashgabat 2017 Games, after completion of which, Vepaly the alabay remained the talisman of sport victories and sport spirit.

Today, this is one of the most popular breeds in the world. Last years, the interest in Turkmen shepherd dog has significantly increased in Europe. In Turkmenistan, the alabays were isolated from other breeds of dogs; therefore, they remained their pristine appearance without mixing with other dogs.

Images of loyal friend of shepherds, which was found by archaeologists in Turkmenistan, indicates the antiquity of this breed. Terracotta sculptures of dogs with cut ears and tail were discovered in different years in such famous monuments as Altyn-Depe and Gonur – Depe (the second millennium B.C.). Huge dog is seen at the relief of one of the Parthian rhytons of Old Nisa. Museum collections of Ashgabat have other sculptures of the alabay made in craft centres in different centuries.

One of the recent findings was made at the excavations of the famous medieval settlement of Dandanakan. Ceramic statuette, which reflects breed features of Turkmen alabay with big realism, has been discovered in this place.

Having completed the last lines, the President put a full stop, date and his signature in new book, which would be published soon and present full information about Turkmen alabay to readers. The book will be interesting for wide reading audience and for specialists who study the history of the breed, national methods of training of the dogs, breeding, etc.

Our glorious ancestors have cultivated the alabay, ahalteke horse, made a wonderful art of carpet-making. All of these is not just national values but also a contribution to the world culture.

The traces of alabay existence were found in the most ancient settlements of Turkmenistan. The remains of the dog, which string jaw indicates that people have cultivated big dog that was able to protect the flocks already 8 thousand years ago, have been discovered at the settlements of Jeytun (dated by the VI century B.C.).

The burials of the dog were discovered by archaeologists at the excavations of ancient country of Margush. It was buried at the graveyard with all traditions of the funeral of people. The discovery, which is more than 4 thousand years old, indicates deep ancient tradition of Turkmen people to treat the famous alabays and hunting dogs ‘tazy’ as the members of family.

The Head of the State comprehensively supports scientific and research works in the country, which helps to open new pages in the history of our nation. Information that sheds the light on the history of the alabay breed and speaking of the role of this unique dog in people’s life is often discovered during archaeological expeditions.

From the ancient time, representatives of this breed have been used as a shepherd dog, which also serve as a watch dog. Today, the Central Asian sheep-dog is among the leading watchdog breeds in the world.

The exterior of the alabays strikes with power, harmonic and proportional body. Turkmen shepherd dogs have strong nervous system and are distinguished by calm and serene character. They are smart, brave, independent, confident, boldly protect their territory and are able to be fast in case of danger.

All of these is described in new book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the sample of interesting stories, facts, archive information. It goes without saying that new work will be very important in further popularization of this breed in the world.

While being committed to healthy and active life style, the Head of the State started one on his day with cycle race.

We all know that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov makes regular horse or cycling races, looks around sport complexes where he makes training exercises as well as fond of motor sport, in which he achieved high skills. The attitude of the Head of the State to sports as to the best method to support the health of people is reflected in social policy, which is aimed at the improvement of life quality of Turkmen citizens and creation of all conditions for bringing up of strong and healthy generations.

Successful realization of the sport policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov provided the growth of activity of Turkmen athletes in the world sport movement. Turkmenistan gives positive example to other states in successful active measures aimed at the development and propaganda of healthy life style, physical training and sport in near and long-term perspective.

The sport has to be an important component of international cooperation in the modern world making a significant input to the formation of the atmosphere of trust and understanding, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

Many sports including the cycling are developed these days in the country in close cooperation with International Olympic Committee. Ashgabat has a unique Olympic village, which hosted the V Asian Indoor and Martial Art Games in September 2017 and the World Weightlifting Chapionship in November 2018. It is planned to host the World Sambo Championship in 2020 and the World Track Cycling Championship in 2021.

The indoor cycling track of the Olympic village meets international standards and modern requirements by all parameters. All conditions made in this place allow hosting international competitions and world tournaments. The cycling track has visitor stands for 6,000 people and all necessary infrastructure that provides the comfort for sportsmen and coaches, technical and support personnel and for fans as well.

New page has been started in the history of national cycling movement after opening of indoor cycling track in the Olympic village as the facility of such type has been built for the first time in Turkmenistan. The quality of the facility has been personally inspected by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and later, has been appreciated not only by the members of test national competitions but also by the specialists of International Cycling Union.

The right to host big world tournaments is won only by the countries where the sport base meets modern standards. Foreign guests, sportsmen, experts, representatives of international federations who visited the Olympic village of Ashgabat were sincerely admired what they have seen.

In the meantime, the Olympic village has become the main base for the training of National team for participation in the Summer 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

The Head of the State made a cycling run on the territory of the Olympic village of the capital in one of the day of his holiday. Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev reported on the work for support of operational condition of all facilities of the complex on proper level and their efficient use.

The Head of the State requested to hold under permanent control the operation of the facilities of the Olympic village, making of the best conditions for organization of competitions and training process of Turkmen sportsmen. Great importance of ideal sport infrastructure for training of national teams for various competitions has been noted.

The Head of the State holds under permanent control the issues related to the development of sport movement of the country, which hosts large-scale competitions with participation of the athletes from dozens of countries, which is also very important in improvement of the status of Turkmenistan as an important international sport centre. The sport, in understanding of Turkmen leader, is not just records and medals but also a powerful social, uniting strength that interrelates with culture, economy and diplomacy.

The Head of the State has also visited the bowling where he made several accurate strikes, looked around the pool and made exercises in the gym of the Olympic village, which is provided with the most modern sport equipment.

While being fond of various sports, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special respect to ahalteke horses giving preference to a riding. In one of the days of his holiday, the Head of the State has visited the equestrian complex and has seen his pet Shapolat the horse.

While being the phenomenon of national and world culture, the heaven horses with their natural beauty and grace, dedicated character and unique intellect serve as a source of inspiration for poets and artists. National heritage, which was created and given to the world by our glorious ancestors, attracts the attention of the famous foreign scientists and horse breeders.

What epithets have been awarded to our horses for the centuries and millennia! The Turkmens have given human features and characters to ahalteke horses seeing not only their natural temper but also the nobility, kindness, compassion, intellect and emotional character. In national imagination, the horse symbolises the speed of human thought, freedom of spirit and time run.

It is symbolically that another representative of glorious breed of ahalteke horse, the foal, which was named Rovach, meaning the prosperity, by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, was born in the first day of 2019, which is held under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”.

Most probably, there is not country in the world like our country where the horse is honoured so high and dreams and intents are related to them. Book of the President of Turkmenistan “The Horse – Symbol of Dedication and Happiness”, which was published this year, speaks about this through the prism of unbreakable connection of modern times with the past and the future.

Turkmenistan becomes big world equestrian centre and our horses and riders are the winners of international reviews, prestige equestrian competitions and races.

Unpriced merits in protection and enhancement of the world glory of ahalteke horses belongs to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Having made such a creation of the highest art of national selectionists and horse breeders as ahalteke horse, having protected the purity of these priceless horses, our horse breeders can not stop developing their best features. The main distinguishing feature of national equestrian school is that the Turkmens do not train but educate the horses.

The President orients the specialists to the expansion of scientific base of pedigree work using modern methods, active development of various equestrian sports in the country, international cooperation in this sphere. But the main thing, as it is highlighted by the Head of the State, is to protect the core and thread of succession of equestrian traditions.

Turkmen leader made horse riding exercise and ride across the complex on Shapolat the horse. It is hard to find a better breed the ahalteke horse in communication with people. Having proud character, nevertheless, they are able to be very obeying if they are treated with love. Therefore, ahalteke horses are the best in equestrian sports, movies and circus.

It is remarkable that wonderful relation between the horse and people has not lost its significance in our age of scientific and technical progress. No wonder that trying to describe high speed of positive changes, we often use usual saying – the speed of ahalteke horse.

During his holiday, the President of Turkmenistan has also tested some new armoury, which was supplied to National Army, and made shooting on targets.

Equipment and material base of National Army is modernized, great attention is paid to creation of the best conditions for service and life of military personnel, training of qualified specialists for different troops, implementation of advanced practice and innovative technologies, owing to the efforts of the Head of the State.

All of these are the main directions of the military reform, which efficiency improves the status of Turkmenistan as a sovereign state committed to the policy of positive neutrality, peaceful and goodwill relations with all interested countries.

As is known, the President of Turkmenistan was the country champion in shooting in the youth. Commitment to sports, where the Head of the State has achieved good results, serves as an excellent example to all countrymen, especially to the youth.

Great importance is given to physical training as the most important factor of strengthening and protection of health in social policy of the country. Today, the country has all capabilities for any people to choose the sport that satisfies his requirements and prepositions, which allows finding an ideal way to keep oneself in an excellent physical state. Therefore, sports and physical training are multifunctional mechanism for health improvement and personal realisation.

Significant investments are made to the development of mass physical training and sports. All projects of educational and pre-school facilities include well-equipped gyms, basketball and volleyball grounds, swimming pools and tennis courts.

Using his holiday, the Head of the State dedicated the time to the family and communication with grandchildren. In one of the days, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has played some music, having performed the song composed by his grandson Kerim. Turkmen leader has played various musical instruments and worked on some moments.

The mentor school and its traditions are very important in Turkmen music culture. By the way, grandson of the Head of the State Kerim was taught by Orazgul Annamyradova, the National Artist of Turkmenistan, who is famous not only in our country and abroad, in music school, which he successfully graduated.

Kerim was fond of music from early age and has already made number of music compositions. Having mastered the lessons of his mentor, he created new composition. The President has become the first who listened to new composition of his grandson and enjoyed his success.

The Head of the State tried to find the words for the music and sang the words to the tune. The President noted that it would be good if the art masters, composers, poets, singers and musicians would give their thoughts and proposals about this composition and its performance, which would be good gift for the Independence Day.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also made a long ride on powerful sport car across the Karakum Desert in his holiday.

International rally Amul – Hazar 2018, which was initiated by the President of Turkmenistan and had a great success in our country, has attracted the attention of professionals from all over the world and has good perspectives to include the project to the world status series.

It was promoted that the most part of the distance run across the Karakums. Being one of the greatest deserts in the world, it deserves to be included in the UNSECO World Heritage List as an exemplary sample of natural protection. Ecological factor was special feature of Amul – Hazar 2018 race according to the idea of the Head of the State, in other words, all measures have been taken not to harm the ecosystem of the Karakums.

It cannot be said that the Karakums are not developed by people. But the fact how it is being done is thought to be a sample of exceptional ecological activity. Construction of manmade Altyn Asyr Lake is a good example of this.

Environment protection and protection of the nature from anthropogenic impact are the most important objective of the humanity. Our state also pays greatest attention to these issues. Turkmenistan has ratified the fundamental UN Conventions in this sphere together with the UN Development Programme, the UN Environmental Protection Programme, Global Ecological Fund and other competent international structures.

Rational use of water, land and biological resources, protection of biodiversity, combating soil degradation, planting of trees will remain the focus of the State, - the President of Turkmenistan says.

The Head of the State also highlights that sports is the most important component of home and foreign policy of the country. big international competitions in Turkmenistan, including Amul – Hazar eco-rally raid, play an important role in strengthening of the world authority of the country. They give an opportunity to demonstrate the achievements of the country in political, economic, social and cultural spheres and to attract tourists.

All of these, undoubtedly, work for the image of the state and make it attractive and more important in the eyes of the world community. Therefore, sport diplomacy is one of the most current directions of activity of Turkmenistan in the world arena.

… At the sundown, when it became to get darker, the President came to unique attraction of Turkmen desert, the Light of the Karakums. Having driven around the flaming crate, the Head of the State enjoyed its unusual view, which is very effective in the darkness.

This place attracts the attention of numerous tourists from all over the world and scientists as well. Wonderful place “The Light of the Karakums” is a phenomenon that has to be studied and is able to reveal the secrets of Turkmen land and its subsoil.

Central Karakums is one of natural heritages of Turkmenistan, which has no analogues in the world in the aspect of landscape, zoological, botanical, ecological researches for study of plain and desert ecosystems and nature.

New routes, which cross the desert and serve as the links of transcontinental corridors opening new capabilities for beneficial partnership, are made in this place, at the historical routes of the Silk Road where citizens of different countries, regions and civilizations used to meet in the past.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov initiates specific projects required by the world community, including the projects of formation of new international motor, railway, sea and air transport routes. The world history confidently indicates that nations win when the states follow the way of understanding and cooperation. The policy of Turkmen leader, which is based on the principles of goodwill and highest responsibility for the future of the humankind, visually indicates such approach in the politics.