Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference session

The President of Turkmenistan holds video conference session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference working session with participation of the Chairperson of the Mejlis, Hyakims of the capital and velayats. The agenda included objectives related to the implementation of the strategy of social and economic development of the country, seasonal agricultural works, preparation to coming celebration dates as well as other issues of the state life.

Opening the session, the Head of the State called first Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova who informed about the work of deputies for the last seven months on modernization of legal and regulatory framework of the country.

It was informed that two sessions of National Parliament have been held for the period under review. 55 documents including 31 Laws of Turkmenistan and 24 Mejlis Resolutions have been adopted. Development of the draft documents, which are to support legal provision of the implementation of large-scale reform programmes and activation of democratic processes in the state and society, is continued.

Having listened to the information, Turkmen leader highlighted that proper systematization and development of new legislation are required in the context of digitization of national economy.

The country has an important task to develop innovative technologies. We characterized it as the programme of transit to digital economy and outlined its starting point, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. In order to enter this level, we need relative legal provision. It has been noted that it is necessary that representatives of the Parliament control the fulfilment of different adopted plans.

The Head of the State has also focused the attention of the Chairperson of the Mejlis on the fact that it is necessary to start preparation of the session of the People’s Council and to develop the draft documents, which would be presented for review at nation-wide forum.

After, the President called Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev who reported on the situation of the capital and the measures taken for its further development, improvement of social sphere, works at number of big construction sites.

Having listened to the report, the President ordered to hold under permanent control the issues related to the realization of the concept of the capital’s development. Speaking of coming holidays and remarkable dates, the Head of the State requested to prepare properly to Kurban Bayramy and to the Day of Knowledge and Students.

The President gave specific assignments for provision of high organizational level of the events timed to the Independence Day, which includes the opening of new facilities.

At the same time, Turkmen leader ordered to provide coordinated work of all municipality services and to hold under control fire safety. It is also necessary to prepare properly to coming winter season, the Head of the State said.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Hyakim of Ahal Velayat S. Berdimuhamedov who reported on the works in the region, situation in agricultural section, integrated measures for organized start of winter crops sowing campaign and cotton harvesting. The information about the measures for improvement of social and living infrastructure of the velayat and construction of facilities has also been presented.

The importance of proper preparation of agricultural equipment and seeds for sowing of winter crops has been highlighted in the context of solution of the utmost objectives in agricultural complex. Speaking of the subject of the cotton harvest, the Head of the State noted the necessity of the fulfilment of relative agrotechnical activities for care of the cotton, measures for settlement of the payments with the farmers for delivered product.

Having expressed the interest in the situation of the construction of new administrative centre of Ahal Velayat, the President ordered to present relative report at the next session.

At the same time, the Head of the State requested to provide high organizational level of preparation to Kurban Bayramy, start of new educational year as well as to the celebration of the 28th anniversary of the independence of the country.

Having noted the necessity to take care of the readiness of heating systems of living buildings, schools and kindergartens to the winter season, repair works at social facilities, the Head of the State gave number of specific assignments.

After, the President called Hyakim of Balkan Velayat Ya. Gylyjov who reported on the situation in his region and preparation to the First Caspian Economic Forum, which is to be held in Avaza National tourist zone. The report about seasonal agricultural works and rates of construction works has also been presented.

Having highlighted the importance of the First Caspian Economic Forum, which is to support the activation of beneficial cooperation between coastal states and all interested foreign partners, the President of Turkmenistan gave relative orders for provision of its high organizational level.

Having noted the necessity of full involvement of available potential for successful cotton harvest and sowing of winter crops, the Head of the State ordered to hold under strict control integrated solution of all issues related to these campaigns and to the development of the agriculture in the velayat in general.

It was said that it is necessary to pay close attention to further modernization of social and living infrastructure of the region, its engineering and technical system, especially to the readiness for the winter season.

The President has also addressed the Hyakim with number of assignments for provision of high level of preparation to celebration dates and events in the life of the country.

In his turn, Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat N. Nazarmyradov reported on the works in the region, measures for improvement of the efficiency of agricultural complex, organized cotton harvest and sowing of winter crops as well as on the situation on construction sites.

Having highlighted the main aspects of the preparation to coming campaigns, the Head of the State emphasized the necessity of provision of proper operational condition of agricultural equipment and coordinated cooperation of relative structures. The President noted that cotton harvest and wheat sowing have to be completed in designated time and to be on high level.

Having highlighted the importance of timely completion of the construction of facilities, the President focused on new constructions, which opening is timed to the Independence Day. The Hyakim has also received the instructions on preparation to Kurban Bayramy, start of new educational year and the session of the People’s Council. In addition, the importance of preparation of heating system to the winter season has been highlighted.

After, Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahalliyev reported on the preparation to the cotton harvesting and winter crops sowing, measures for improvement of production potential of agricultural sector. The information about the provision of timely commissioning of the facilities under construction, organization of events timed to national holidays and start of the school year has also been presented.

The Head of the State ordered the Hyakim to take well-thought measures for active introduction of advanced technologies in combination with national practice to agricultural sphere, creation of all conditions for productive work of farmers.

In this context, the President ordered to prepare thoroughly to the cotton harvest and winter crops sowing, having highlighted the importance of these works in strict compliance with agrotechnical standards.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay close attention to social and economic development of the region. Speaking of this, Turkmen leader gave orders for provision of high level of preparation to coming holidays and remarkable dates.

After, Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev made report on video conference session. It was reported on the preparation to coming agricultural campaigns. The information about the construction of different facilities has also been presented.

Having highlighted that the farmers have the objective to complete the harvest of the cotton on time and without any loss, the Head of the State ordered to hold under control the preparation to this important campaigns.

The President has also addressed the Hyakim with the assignments on increasing the rates of construction of the facilities, provision of proper operational condition of heating systems and their readiness to the winter season.

Specific assignments have been given for the preparation to celebration of Kurban Bayramy, start of new school year and other important events.

Having continued video conference session, the Head of the State addressed the hyakims and informed that taking into account that good yield of the cotton has been cultivated, the heads of regional administrations are allowed to take a holiday from August 19 to September 1. This is also related to the Hyakim of Ashgabat.

Signing the Resolution on production of the wheat harvest in Turkmenistan in 2020, the President noted that taking into account the fact of provision of the food safety of the country, the size of lands for wheat would be reduced. Guided by the adopted programmes for increment of the volumes of exported production as well as for industrial development of the country, the lands after winter crops would be allocated for the cotton.

Finishing the working video conference session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished all participants strong health and success in work.