Ï The Head of the State inspects tourist and recreational potential of Avaza and has sea journey

The Head of the State inspects tourist and recreational potential of Avaza and has sea journey

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In the morning, the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left to Avaza National tourist zone located on Caspian coast where modern sea resort of international level has been formed up. The Head of the State has been seen off by the officials in International Airport of the capital.

After some time, the aircraft of the President has landed in Turkmenbashy International Airport of Balkan Velayat. In the airport, the Head of the State was met by the members of the Government and heads of military and law enforcement agencies.

From the airport, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to Avaza National tourist zone, having inspected the conditions for holiday, which were made in this beautiful place.

Services offered to the tourists in this place were supplemented by another type – rent of various bicycles. Several rental shops were opened in the territory of Avaza. Their automatic system and special equipment operate from solar panels. Having approved the method used in their work, the Head of the State noted the appropriateness to name these outlets, which meet relative ecological requirements, as ecological bicycle stations.

In the last few years, great attention is paid to the development of cycling in our country together with other sports. Noting that this sport, which is recognized as environmentally friendly, gains more popularity, the President of Turkmenistan focused on the necessity of gradual implementation of this direction of services. It is remarkable that it has modern payment system for the services rendered to the population.

Having focused on the subject of operation of rental outlet and its capabilities, the President went further by bicycle. Along his way, the Head of the State has ordered to hold under control all issues related to regular works for support of ecological wealth of Avaza, expansion of green zones on its territory and development of parks.

The President also noted that it is necessary to organize control of proper organization of traffic and compliance with rules and regulations in Avaza National tourist zone as well as all over the country. It was highlighted that it provides the necessity of taking necessary measures, which is very important in the context of improvement of quality of service in resort zone.

Having noted the importance of development of various types of recreation activity in sea resort, the President highlighted the importance of provision of integrated service offered to tourists.

The Head of the State gave number of assignments for improvement of quality and expansion of the spectrum of services offered at ecological bicycle stations. It has also been noted that it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of sport sphere and resort zone, work for organization of mass sport events and attraction of tourists to do physical training and sports.

Having arrived to Watancy Hotel, the Head of Turkmenistan left his bicycle at ecological bicycle station operating in this place.

Addressing Minister of Interior I. Mulikov, the Head of the State ordered to establish ecological cycling group under the structure of the Ministry of Interior. The President of Turkmenistan noted that it would be appropriate to use this group in explanation activity during the month under slogan “Traffic Safety – Safety of our Life”, which is held in September every year as well as in similar events organized in schools and kindergartens.

After, the Head of the State inspected the projects of social facilities proposed to be built under the development of the regions, in particular, under development of Avaza National tourist zone. In general, the projects of cottage complex, which is planned to be built at the seaside, various sketches and drawings, which give visual imagination about character features of the buildings have been presented.

Cottage type houses, desalination unit, specialized hotels with swimming pools for adults and children, open restaurant are among planned facilities. The projects have been given to the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country.

As it was informed that total area of the complex, where all conditions are to be made for living and rest in any season, would be 10 hectares. Total, the cottages will have 192 rooms for 768 guests. In addition, traditional Ak öý facilities will be built on the territory of the complex.

Having inspected the projects, the Head of the State noted that special features of natural landscape have to be taken into consideration during development of the projects and ecological aspect has to be taken into account together with making of favourable conditions for rest of people.

The President has also focused on the fact that functional purpose of the facilities has to be taken into consideration during construction of similar facilities. For example, the cottages have to have all conditions for families with many children. Continuing the subject, the Head of the State noted that all works for construction of new complex have to meet modern requirements and focused on the necessity of provision of high quality of construction.

Avaza national tourist zone will enter new stage of its development after realization of these projects. At the same time, special attention is paid to active implementation of innovative technologies. All of these will support to improvement and enhancement of the infrastructure of sea resort on Caspian coast, strengthening of its status as a centre of international tourism and cooperation.

Health, comfortable rest of people, high level of service are the main criteria in implementation of similar socially oriented projects. Creation of engineering, technical and communication systems is also an important requirement, the Head of the State noted, having given relative assignments on this account.

Having finished checking presented projects, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued his way to look around new boat, which supplemented the fleet of Avaza National tourist zone. It is designated for organization of sea cruises for tourists.

Having stopped next to the boat, which was named Rovach, the President of Turkmenistan received a report from the captain and, having congratulated him on new boat, wished him good navigation. After, the Head of the State and his colleagues went onboard and made sea journey.

As is known, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays great attention to the development of Avaza infrastructure, provision of full spectrum of modern services for tourists. Realization of this large-scale project made the appearance of this eco-friendly Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea much better. Comfortable hotels, health resort meeting international standards, amusement parks, multiprofile sport centres have been built in this place. This unique part of Turkmen land is a piece of sincere pride of our nation, embodiment of its traditions of hospitality, friendship and goodwill.

During the journey, the President noted that it is necessary to hold under control all issues related to the development of tourism and establishment of shipping services. At the same time, responsible and integrated approach to organization of holidays including land and sea trips is required, the Head of Turkmenistan said, having addressed relative officials with specific assignments.

Today, our country pays great attention to the issues of environment protection, in this regard, necessary measures have to be taken for successful solution of set objectives for efficient and rational use of water and land resources, the Head of the State highlighted.

Having finished sea ride, Turkmen leader noted that optimal use of rich natural potential of Caspian coast would support to further dynamic development of tourism and resort infrastructure.

Having wished success in work to the captain of Rovach, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.