Ï President of Turkmenistan receives CEO of Çalik Holding

President of Turkmenistan receives CEO of Çalik Holding

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received CEO of Çalik Holding, Ahmet Çalik, who arrived in our country to participate in the first Caspian Economic Forum.

Expressing gratitude for the opportunity of a personal meeting, the businessman congratulated the President of Turkmenistan on the upcoming Forum - a historical event of the regional and the international level, and wished success in organization of the forum.

Underlining the role of the Caspian Economic Forum in the diversification of international business partnership, Ahmet Çalik stated that it was a great honour for Turkish companies to cooperate with Turkmenistan, demonstrating steady progress in development and initiating transformational programmes and projects both on the regional and international levels.

Thanking the guest for the kind words and wishes, the President of Turkmenistan noted that relying in its development on the latest achievements and innovative technologies, Turkmenistan had always supported mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign partners, including Turkish companies, involved in the implementation of major national projects. According to the Turkmen leader, the main component of the national economic strategy is the social vector that ensures the prosperity of the people.

During the meeting, the CEO informed the President of Turkmenistan on the progress of the implementation of the projects entrusted to the company and fulfillment of the Turkmen leader’s instructions.

In particular, it was reported on the progress of works on the construction of a 500-kilovolt power transmission line along the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India transnational gas pipeline. It was noted that construction was carried out in accordance with the schedule.

The Turkmen leader emphasized that the implementation of the TAP project would provide an opportunity to export electricity to other countries of Southeast Asia, the governments of which expressed their high interest in the speedy implementation of this project. In this regard, the head of state drew the attention of the Çalik Holding CEO on the necessity to ensure the high quality of works according to the agreed schedule.

Expressing gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the high confidence demonstrated to the company, the businessman underlined the commitment to follow the requirements put forward by the customer and to take an active part in the implementation of the transformational programmes, initiated by the Turkmen leader.