Ï The Institute of the Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan

The Institute of the Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree, authorizing to abolish the State Enterprise for the Caspian Sea under the President of Turkmenistan and establish the Institute of the Caspian Sea.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Meredov is authorized to take the activities of the Institute of the Caspian Sea under control.

The Institute of the Caspian Sea is defined as the legal successor of the abolished State Enterprise for the Caspian Sea under the President of Turkmenistan.

According to the Decree, the Institute is established with the aim to develop cooperation in the Caspian Sea region, conducting research in various directions, draft international legal documents on the Caspian Sea and prepare specialized methodological information.