Ï Dynamics of the country development in January – July are analysed at the offsite session of the Government

Dynamics of the country development in January – July are analysed at the offsite session of the Government

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Under working trip to Avaza National tourist zone, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers where outcomes of work the branches of national economy for seven months of the year have been discussed as well as the projects of further development of Avaza National tourist zone and number of other issues have been reviewed.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the indicators of the development of the branches of national economy for the period under review.

It was informed that the growth of the GDP was observed according to the results of analysis of the main macroeconomic indicators. This indicator was 4.1 percent in industrial sector, 0.3 percent in construction sphere, 10.9 percent in transport and communication section, 14.1 percent in trade, 4.2 percent in agriculture and 6.7 percent in service sphere.

The growth rate of production increased by 6.8 percent, retail trade by 19.1 percent and foreign trade by 0.2 percent by the results of seven months of the year comparing with the same period of 2018.

For January – July, the revenue of the State budget was 10.95 billion manats while the expenditure part was 10.8 billion manats. Salaries of personnel of government facilities and self-sustained organizations, state allowances and student scholarships have been paid on time.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that in general, the outcomes of development of economy are satisfactory for the period under review. Having focused on current directions of coming work, Turkmen leader noted the importance of the decisions aimed at the increment of the volumes of production of import substitutive and export oriented goods.

In this context, having pointed out the necessity of creation of specialized structure, which would carry out government regulation of these subjects, the Head of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution on Improvement of the activity of the Agency for Protection of the economy from the Risks under the Ministry of Finances and Economy. It was mentioned that the main objective of the Agency is to study export capabilities and regulation of the volumes of goods sent to foreign and local markets.

Continuing the session, the President signed the Resolution on Financing of the construction of Energy Equipment Service Centre and Procurement of spare parts for gas turbines as well as on entering of financial agreement between the State Bank of Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Islamic Corporation for Development of Private Sector for financing of the projects of small and medium entrepreneurship.

Having noted that the programme of transit to digital economy has been adopted, the Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to prepare a proposal on establishment of relative organization, which would be responsible for the implementation works in this direction.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on the activity of the Foreign Ministry of seven months, measures for preparation to the First Caspian Economic Forum and events planned under Forum.

Information about the programme of coming international forums and visits of government delegations has also been given.

Having listened to the report, the President noted the importance of coming international events, which are very important for activation of constructive cooperation. Bilateral meetings with foreign partners under the First Caspian Economic Forum would support the establishment of beneficial interdepartmental relations, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having ordered to provide responsible approach to their organization.

Having signed the Order on Foundation of the Caspian Sea Institute, the Head of the State also gave instructions related to priority aspects of the activity of the Foreign Ministry and national diplomatic corps to the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on the results of work of the branches under his supervision for January – July as well as programme measures for the increment of oil and gas production and their export routes.

The plan for oil refinery for the period under review was fulfilled by 104.4 percent, for production of gasoline by 101 percent, diesel fuel by 105.8 percent, lubricative oil by 104.7 percent, liquefied gas by 105.3 percent by production of natural and associated gas by 100.6 pecent.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the necessity of measures for improvement of production indicators of oil and gas complex.

Special attention has to be paid to the implementation of the latest technologies and advanced practice, the President continued, having ordered to develop deposits of Turkmen section and coastal zone of Caspian Sea by attraction of foreign investment.

Having noted the importance of the increment of volumes of gas production by the state Concern Türkmengaz and exported production, improvement of polymeric production, the President of the country requested the Vice-premier to hold under control the issues related with the strengthening of resource base of the sphere, increment of oil and gas reserves and expansion of geological surveys aimed at exploration of new perspective fields.

Having focused on the improvement of efficiency of works for fundamental modernization of the facilities in fuel and energy complex, the Head of the State highlighted the importance of successful realization of energy policy, having addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments on this account.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev made a report on the outcomes of activity of industrial and communication complexes of Turkmenistan for the period under review.

It was informed that necessary measures have been taken for fulfilment of production plans of these branches. In particular, special attention was paid to increment of production of textile, cargo and passenger traffic in all modes of transport.

Having noted the importance of dynamic development of transport and communication complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of steadfast implementation of relative profile programmes, thoroughly thought and innovative approach to solution of responsible objectives in this sphere.

Speaking of the importance of steadfast implementation of the plans of industrialization of the country and increment of production of national competitive export oriented goods, the President highlighted that it is necessary to pay special attention to opening of new technological facilities, to achieve the improvement of profitability of industrial branches. Having noted that Turkmenistan has all capabilities and rich resource potential, which has to be used with maximum output, the Head of the State gave number of assignments to the Vice-premier.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on the results of activity of construction and energy complexes, structures of municipal service and capital administration in January – July this year.

The plan of works of the Hyakimlik of Ashgabat has been completed by 101.4 percent with the growth rate of 109.2 percent for seven months.

The Ministry of Construction and Architecture fulfilled the plan of works and service by 100.5 percent with the growth rate of 104.7 percent for the period under review.

The plan of production, works and services of the Ministry of energy was fulfilled by 102.7 percent. The production of energy was increased by 106.4 percent.

Summing up the report, the Head of Turkmenistan noted that numerous new facilities have to be built in the country. In this regard, the President ordered the Vice-premier together with other Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and hyakims of the velayats to hold under strict control the construction of social facilities and modernization of equipment and facility base of profile branches.

Continuing the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused again on the development of construction industry. It is necessary to strengthen the attention to the works for further development of Ashgabat, formation of developed urban infrastructure to make the image of white-marble Turkmen capital to more beautiful, the Head of the State highlighted.

At the same time, the Vice-premier received the order on further improvement of equipment and facility base of the sphere under his supervision. In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the outcomes of work of the branches under his supervision for seven months of the year and seasonal field campaigns in the regions.

In general, the growth rates of production, works and services of agricultural complex was 113.2 percent. The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection achieved this indicator on the level of 113.5 percent, the State Water Management Committee – 111.4 percent, the State Association Türkmen atlary – 105.6 percent. The plan of investment development was fulfilled by 109.4 percent.

These days, works for inter-row cultivation of the fields, their mineral fertilization, vegetation irrigation are carried out in the velayats according to agrotechnical standards. At the same time, preparation to coming sowing campaign, ploughing and levelling of the lands allocated for wheat as well as cleaning of seeding material are carried out.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to hold under permanent control the issues of further improvement of management sphere of agricultural complex, introduction of efficient financial and economic mechanisms, which stimulate the work of the farmers and tenants. The head of the state noted that in general, this is to support an active promotion of agrarian reform, enhancement of profitability of the branch, increment of volumes of various agricultural production.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is necessary hand over pasture lands to the disposal of farming associations and private goods producers for their efficient use, to make a land cadastre, to attract investments to agriculture and speed up the rates of reforms in agricultural complex. In this context, the attention of the heads of the branch were focused on number of the utmost objectives.

As for today, relative equipment and facility base of this section of the economy has been formed, the Head of the State said, having highlighted that the state would continue rendering comprehensive support to development of this sphere.

The Head of the state addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments related to seasonal field works, having pointed out that it is necessary to pays the utmost attention to the subjects of equipment service, which would be used in coming winter crops sowing as well as in cotton harvest campaign.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the results of activity of the branches under his supervision in January – July this year.

The Vice-premier reported about the improvement of trade service sphere according to time requirements and on the work for implementation of digital technologies. It was noted that entrepreneurs of the country demonstrate high activity in all branches of national economy. Thus, projects of cottage complex and specialized hotel, which are planned to be opened in Avaza National tourist zone, have been developed according to the request of the President of Turkmenistan. Cottage complex of 192 houses will be built at the land plot of 10 hectares.

Having listened to the report, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted an important role of entrepreneurs in expansion of export potential of the country and provision of food abundance in local market.

Speaking of the development of Avaza national tourist zone, the President ordered the entrepreneurs and the hyakimlik of Balkan Velayat to discuss the solution of current objectives related their implementation. It is necessary to prepare relative proposals on provision of proper conditions for tourists in eco-friendly coast of Caspian Sea.

In this regard, the Head of the State gave number relative instruction to the Vice-premier on coordination of activity with relative structures. After, Deputy Chairperson of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the outcomes of the spheres under her supervision in January – July.

Different cultural events including conferences, meetings, exhibitions and contests, theatre performances, musical festivals, which are provided by the Programme of development of cultural sphere of Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025, have been organized from the beginning of the year.

Giving information about financial and business activity of Turkmen State Publishing Services, the Vice-premier informed that 225 types of book production has been published from the beginning of the year. The plan was fulfilled by 118.4 percent.

Mass media highlighted the achievements of the country in different spheres, worked on explanation of the meaning and importance of the reforms, popularization of national heritage. The work for production of movies has also been continued.

During the report, the Vice-premier also informed about organization of cultural events in August this year including those dedicated to remarkable events of the month and opening of new facilities.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of gradual improvement of work of cultural sphere and mass media taking into account the innovations, in particular, wide use of digital technologies in their activity.

Having highlighted the importance of cultural diplomacy in development of full-scale international cooperation, the Head of the State ordered to carry out all coming events on high organizational level, having given specific assignments to the Vice-premier.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported in the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision for seven months of the year and noted that equipment, facility and methodological base has been improved in national education system in this period, achievements of science, innovative technologies have been actively implemented in the structures under his supervision, measures for development of digital education have been taken.

Integrated work for training of professional specialists, improvement of qualification of teachers, introduction of modern methods and approaches, which are aimed at the development of abilities of younger generation, is also carried out.

Reforms in the sphere of national health protection sphere according to the Health Programme are continued. The cooperation with international organizations is strengthened.

It was informed in the report about the activation of cooperation with interested parties in relative directions, expansion of the scales of introduction of digital technologies, use of advanced practice in different spheres. Big attention is paid to the exchange of practice with foreign specialists, study of latest technologies and their practical implementation.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that responsible campaign, the entry exams to university of the country, has been accomplished. Now it is necessary to enforce the preparation to new educational year.

The President focused on the importance of computerization and digitization, introduction of new methods in educational process, having ordered to work in this direction according to time requirements. It was mentioned that it is necessary to achieve that content of books and manuals meet time demands, positive practice and innovative methods.

Addressing the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Head of the State noted that home and foreign policy of Turkmenistan remains invariable. At the same time, our country strictly follows high principle of peace-loving, humanity and national ideas and continued its steadfast movement.

Stable growth of the economy of the country is continued, Turkmen leader said, having stated with delight that all adopted programmes are implemented successfully. The growth rate of the GDP was 6.3 percent for the period under review.

Comparing with the same period of the last year, stable dynamics is remained in all branches of the economy, the Head of the State noted, having highlighted that this is the evidence of the progress of the country.

Continuing, the President of Turkmenistan has focused on the fact that numerous big industrial facilities, which include modern plant for production of eco-friendly gasoline from natural gas, has been put into operation for the period under review. It was highlighted that social facilities including 800, 000 square meters of living as well as hospitals and sanatoriums, kindergartens, schools, shops and other have been built from the beginning of the year. In general, total amount of the facilities, which was put into operation, was 8 billion manats.

Policy of diversification of energy resources to the world market is carried out in accordance of adopted plans, the President noted, having stated that the project of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line is implemented. Speaking of huge political, economic and humanitarian importance the Head of the State expressed the confidence that they would give impulse to the development of the economies of the countries of the region.

After, the President focused the attention of the participants on the utmost objectives of the branches of national economy. Having outlined further ways for solution of current subjects of the state policy, the Head of the State ordered to take proper measures for the fulfilment of all plans. In this contest, the Vice-premier received order to hold under control all these issues together with the hyakims of the velayats. Control of the course of reformation programmes, construction of facilities, especially living and social facilities as well as further improvement of life level of the population have been highlighted among perspectives of work.

In addition, relative officials were ordered to take integrated measures for organization of coming events of the State importance on high level.

Continuing the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Order on Celebration of Kurban Bayramy and transferring of the day off from August 11to August 14. The Head of Turkmenistan ordered the heads of law enforcement structures to organize additional watch duty of all services.

Turkmen leader congratulated everyone on coming holiday.

Finishing the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President wished strong health, family prosperity and big success in work to all participants.