Ï President of Turkmenistan congratulates compatriots on Kurban Bayram

President of Turkmenistan congratulates compatriots on Kurban Bayram

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“I cordially congratulate you on Kurban Bayram – the holiday homilizing philosophical and ethical traditions of mankind, honesty, kindness and peacefulness”, says President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his congratulatory address.

“Kurban Bayram is a holiday that combines cultural and spiritual heritage, worldview and rituals of the peoples of the East, including Turkmens. The holiday that strengthens our unity.

“In honour of the holy Kurban Bayram, for three days, bright festivities will be held in the Turkmen capital, in all cities and villages of the country. Each family will prepare festive dishes, give a sadaka.

“The material and spiritual values of the Turkmen people ensure the harmonious development of our modern society. Cultural heritage plays an important role in strengthening peace and friendship between peoples. In this context, our state policy focuses on the enrichment of national traditions, as well as their popularization all around the world.

“We also pay special attention to the harmonious development of society, successfully implement state programmes, aimed at strengthening the material and technical base of all sectors, and, first of all, at ensuring a peaceful and prosperous life of the Turkmen people. Large-scale construction of modern industrial and production enterprises, social and cultural facilities has been launched in Ashgabat, in the velayat centers, districts and villages.

“We actively develop international cultural and humanitarian ties in the interests of the world community, in order to ensure universal security and prosperity. Each of us considers it an honour to make a worthy contribution to strengthening peace and friendship on the planet, developing culture and traditions, and especially enhancing the power of the Motherland”, emphasized the President of Turkmenistan in his address.

In his congratulatory address, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished the people of Turkmenistan good health, prosperous life, happiness, and great success in their work.