Ï The President of Turkmenistan addresses greetings to the participants of Caspian Exhibition of Innovative Technologies and Türkmen sährasy-2019 motor review

The President of Turkmenistan addresses greetings to the participants of Caspian Exhibition of Innovative Technologies and Türkmen sährasy-2019 motor review

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Let me extend my congratulations on the beginning of work of Caspian Exhibition of Innovative Technologies and International motor review Türkmen sährasy-2019, the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the participants of representative reviews, which are held under the first Caspian Economic Forum, says.

International events will be very important for familiarization with perspective of further development of trade and economic relations not only between Caspian States but also with all interested parties.

Actively pursuing open door policy, Turkmenistan expands the world economic relations with all countries of the world, which gives strong impulse to diversification of national economy and innovative vector of its development.

There is special meaning that Caspian Exhibition of Innovative Technologies and Türkmen sährasy-2019 motor review have been organized on the territory of Turkmenbashy International Seaport as Caspian Sea while being on the intersection of trade routes between Europe and Asia plays key role in restoration of the Silk Road, which was used for exchange of goods, knowledges and technologies. However, the main and priceless importance of the Silk Road is to support the understanding between the nations, - the message notes.

Having entered the number of rapidly developing countries of the world, Turkmenistan took deserving place in global economic space. Diversification of the industry, improvement of economic potential, innovative development of the country are the base of foreign economic policy of the state.

Participants of current exhibitions, which are to present latest world achievements and innovative solutions, will make presentation of their projects. It will open wide perspectives for outlining of future directions of beneficial cooperation, establishment of new contacts, expansion of trade and economic relations between the states of the region.

I am confident that these international reviews would play an important role in expansion of goodwill relations, trade, transport and transit, economic and investment partnership between the states of the region. Caspian Sea, same as before, will remain the sea of peace, harmony and cooperation, - the message of the President highlights.