Ï Vectors of activation of Turkmen – Bulgarian cooperation are outlined

Vectors of activation of Turkmen – Bulgarian cooperation are outlined

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Vectors of activation of Turkmen – Bulgarian cooperation are outlined
The fourth session of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Bulgarian Commission for Economic Cooperation was held under the events of the First Caspian Economic Forum.

Heads, specialists and experts of the leading branches of two countries, including from transport and energy sphere, information and communication technologies, pharmacy and medical industry, agriculture, investment sphere and other are among the participants of the meeting.

It was highlighted during telephone conversation between President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov that both sides pay big attention to the development of fruitful relations, which are based on mutual respect, equality, desire for progress. Speaking of the significant potential for consolidation of efforts in different directions, the sides noted key role of Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Cooperation on its implementation.

Opening the meeting, the Co-chairman of the Commissions stated with delight high level of Turkmen – Bulgarian relations, which are built on the principles of trust and mutual benefit. It was mentioned that both countries demonstrate the intent to use an existing potential for realization of joint projects by maximum at current stage.

Official visit of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov to our country in 2015 gave strong impulse to intensification of interstate dialog. Package of documents signed at the high-level talks made solid base for bilateral partnership.

Having highlighted that intensification of relations in number of key vectors was observed for the past period, the participants of the session noted an importance of continuation of work of International Turkmen – Bulgarian Commission for Economic Cooperation in the projects of international importance in fuel and energy complex and transport and communication sector.

Noting favourable investment climate made in our country for work of foreign partners, the members of the commission from Bulgarian side said about the intent of business circles to expand their presence in perspective Turkmen market.

At the same time, special mention has been made that there is significant resources for activation of relations. In particular, representatives of Bulgarian companies expressed the willingness to establish cooperation in scientific and technical sphere. From its side, Turkmenistan is interested in attraction of big investments, advanced technologies, delivery of modern machinery and equipment.

The members of the meeting spoke for expansion of regulatory and legal base of cooperation. In this regard, the sides exchanged the views on such subjects as mutual protection of investments, share of information about technical partnership and taxes, international cargo and passenger traffic, information technologies and communication.

Opportunities of realization of joint projects in facilities of energy infrastructure, sea transport, implementation of advanced methods and technologies in agricultural complex were discussed during the session. Expansion of the supply of textile and carpet production of Turkmen manufacturers to foreign markets has also been reviewed.

Special attention has been paid to the cooperation in tourism sphere taking into account the implementation of the project of construction of Avaza National tourist zone at eco-friendly Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea and experience of Bulgarian resorts at Black Sea coast.

Humanitarian partnership was also a subject of discussion. Having highlighted the importance of stimulation of fruitful relations in this sphere, the participants spoke for the expansion of traditional cooperation in educational, science, health protection and cultural spheres. The necessity of activation of organization of joint events for familiarization of the nations of both countries with rich historical and cultural heritage of each other has been noted.

Big opportunities are opened by trade and economic on the level of private entrepreneurship, which share in the GDP of Turkmenistan permanently grows. Regular international exhibitions, fairs, conferences and business forums have to become an actual mechanism of rapprochement of entrepreneurs.

The outcomes of the session were reflected in the Protocol adopted by the sides.


Turkmen – Bulgarian business forum, held in round table format, took place on the same day. Intensification of cooperation in the context of future plans was the main subject of the forum.

Minister of Economy of the Republic of Bulgaria Emil Karanikolov, Executive Director of Agency for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises Boyko takov and representative of the Agency for Investments Jordan Pamukov highlighted that cooperation both in bilateral format as well as under European Union is an important component of Turkmen – Bulgarian relations.

Noting the perspectivity of Turkmen market, the guests expressed the willingness to develop partnership in trade and economic, energy and transport and communication spheres.

Vectors of cooperation have also been discussed during the meeting of Bulgarian members of the forum with representatives of profile ministries and departments of Turkmenistan and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan.