Ï Turkmenistan activates business cooperation with Astrakhan Region of Russian Federation

Turkmenistan activates business cooperation with Astrakhan Region of Russian Federation

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The first session of Turkmen – Astrakhan business council on entrepreneurship turned into interested exchange of opinions on the potential and perspectives of development of cooperation. Current meeting is one of the events held under the First Caspian Economic Forum.

Opening the session, the participants stated with delight high level and growing dynamics of constructive cooperation, which is successfully developed in all directions due to traditionally friendly character of interstate dialog built by President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the principles of strategic partnership.

Expansion of beneficial partnership with the regions and largest industrial and cultural centres of Russian Federation, development of new markets, definition of perspective directions of cooperation, creation of favourable conditions for activation of relations between private business structures are the main vectors of further development of Turkmen – Russian dialog.

It is worth reminding that Turkmen – Astrakhan business council on entrepreneurship was founded during the 11th session of Intergovernmental Turkmen – Russian Commission for Economic Cooperation in May this year.

Delegation of Astrakhan Region, Russian Federation includes the heads of big facilities and companies involved in different branches of economy as well as specialists of profile structures.

Representatives of Turkmen side introduced their Astrakhan colleagues with the main directions of national and profile development programmes, which are implemented in our country in modern age.

Exchanging the views on perspectives of expansion of the partnership, the participants of the session spoke for establishment of full-scale cooperation taking into account possible participation of companies in implementation of major projects initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Trade and economic, fuel and energy, transport and communication spheres, agriculture as well as digitization of the economy and introduction of innovations have been outlined among priority directions.

Big interest of Astrakhan companies to the projects in different spheres in our country taking into account large-scale programmes, which are oriented to the diversification of industrial sector, fundamental modernization of relative infrastructure, use of high technologies and opening of scientifically based production facilities has been noted.

Special attention is paid to the development of transport sections, which is provided by the intent of Turkmenistan to implement its transit potential. In this regard, significant investments are used for implementation of big both national and international projects.

Enhancement of productive business contacts between business circles, stimulation f investment activity, increment of trade volumes and expansion of its variety were the subject of discussion. According to the experts, Turkmenistan would be able to develop cooperation with Astrakhan Region in sphere of export of carbamide supplying mineral fertilizers of own production via Astrakhan ports to European direction.

Special attention has been paid to improvement of humanitarian links including in education and training of personnel.

In general, according to the guests, the event with participation of representatives of Astrakhan business, helped to make a new impression of Turkmenistan from long-term trade and economic cooperation point of view.

In the end, the participants of Turkmen – Astrakhan business council of entrepreneurship noted that current meeting would give new impulse to strengthening of Turkmen – Russian dialog.