Ï The main trends of financing of the GDS are discussed with participation of international experts

The main trends of financing of the GDS are discussed with participation of international experts

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The main trends of financing of the GDS are discussed with participation of international experts
Hazar Hotel of Avaza National tourist zone hosted the conference “Financing for support of the realization of 2030 Global Agenda under Sustainable Development.

This forum was organized by the United Nations Permanent Representative Office in our country together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finances and Economy of Turkmenistan. The UN Deputy General Secretary, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Europe Olga Algayrova, Permanent Coordinator of the UN to Turkmenistan Elena Panova as well as specialists of numerous international organizations and financial structures were among the foreign guests of the forum. These are Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Development Bank.

Representatives of ministries and departments of Turkmenistan, which deal with financing of the SDGs, as well as more than 150 delegates of foreign companies and business communities took part in the conference.

They were familiarized with Voluntary National Review of Turkmenistan, which was presented to the world community at the High-level Political forum under the UN ECOSOC in New York. It was mentioned that according to the Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov from November 17, 2017, institutional structures of the SDG monitoring system in Turkmenistan has been approved, which includes the formation of the SDG Working Group. It includes representatives of more than 50 national ministries and departments, regional and Ashgabat administrations, public organizations, scientific and research institutes and universities.

It was informed during the exchange of opinions about the support that the World Bank offers to the countries of Central Asia for promotion of the Programme of financing of development. Representative of the UNDP formulated the main trends of the SDGs’ financing in Central Asian Region, specific recommendations for Caspian States in this direction have been given.

The EBRD delegate shared his view on what private sector and private capital are able to do to support the sustainable development and what support of investors and the Government is needed to entrepreneurs. Representative of the ADB told the most perspective financial instruments for elimination of deficiency of the SDGs’ financing.

It was mentioned that owing to far-seeing policy of the Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the implementation of 2030 Agenda by Turkmenistan was provided by the development of integrated mechanisms of financing and their implementation on all levels.

Thus, the share of budgetary expenses to social sphere including education, health protection, social provision is more than 70 percent according to the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on social and economic development in 2019 – 2025. In addition, budget money are sent to creation of qualitative, available, cheap, reliable and stable infrastructure including transport, energy, water supply and sanitary for all. These measures are provided under the implementation of the programmes of reforms of social and living conditions of rural population, for realization of which it is planned to allocate about 10 billion manats.

It was also mentioned that it is necessary to attract international finances as well as resources of private sector for the achievement of ambitious and integrated sustainable development goals. In this regard, the development of instruments and mechanisms of mixed finances by the partnership between the Government and private sector gains more appropriateness. The Government of Turkmenistan took number of measures for improvement of legal base and developed the programmes of support of private sector for creation of favourable conditions of its development. These measures allowed expanding the sphere and share of private sector in the branches of the economy as well as creating the conditions for intensification of measures for development of the partnership between the Government and private business.