Ï Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Eshaq Jahangiri Discuss Priorities of Turkmen-Iranian Partnership

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Eshaq Jahangiri Discuss Priorities of Turkmen-Iranian Partnership

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has met with First Vice-President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Eshaq Jahangiri in the Avaza National Tourist Zone.

Appreciative of the warm welcome, the guest passed on greetings to the head of state from President of Iran Hassan Rouhani, who had also sent his wishes for well-being and prosperity to the Turkmen nation. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Eshaq Jahangiri offered his congratulations to the Turkmen leader on Kurban Bayram and on the First Caspian Economic Forum.

Thanking the guest for the kind words, the President of Turkmenistan sent his best wishes and congratulations on Kurban Bayram to the friendly country’s top leadership.

During an exchange of opinions on prospects for Turkmen-Iranian cooperation in the trade-economic sphere, the parties confirmed the two countries’ willingness to boost the mutually rewarding business contacts, to increase bilateral trade and to stimulate investment.

The head of state and his guest considered prospects for collaboration in the fuel and energy sector that opens up vast vistas in the context of our countries’ advantageous geographical location and abundant natural resources. This provides the groundwork for effective bilateral cooperation on energy security.

Special emphasis was placed on enhancing cooperation in the transport sector, where Turkmenistan had put forward with a number of important initiatives to build regional and international transport and communications infrastructure.

In this context, the sides emphasized the importance of the First Caspian Economic Forum that had lent new impetus to cooperation among the countries in the region across a broad spectrum of areas.

Having expressed confidence that the forum would culminate in new joint projects aimed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, the guest thanked the President of Turkmenistan for the hospitality extended to him on Turkmen soil and the favorable environment created for the Iranian delegation’s fruitful work.

The parties also exchanged their views on a number of topical regional and global issues of common interest and concern, and confirmed their willingness to further cooperate in the international arena.

Concluding the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and First Vice-President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Eshaq Jahangiri expressed confidence in the successful development of the interstate partnership that meets the interests of the two friendly countries and nations.