Ï Record number of exchange transactions under the I CEF

Record number of exchange transactions under the I CEF

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Increment of volumes and expansion of variety of production made in the country is an important direction of economic policy of the country. fundamental changes are carried out in this sphere due to successful implementation of large-scale programmes of modernization and diversification of national economy, development of industrial section and agricultural complex. The demand on local goods is growing both in home and foreign markets.

As it was informed it was visually demonstrated at the trades held by the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of Turkmenistan during the work of the Caspian Exhibition and Innovative Technologies under the First Caspian Economic Forum in Avaza national tourist zone. The trades resulted in record number of transaction, 256, to total amount of more that 380,179,000 US dollars and 96,600 Turkmen manats. For local market, Turkmen entrepreneurs made deals to total amount of 43 million manats.

Production of petroleum and chemical industry – Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex, Seydi Refinery, Garabogazkarbamid and Marykarbamid, Hazar chemical plant, iodine factories in Balkanabat and Bereket of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa was a leader of the trades. It was TS-1 jet fuel, A-80 gasoline, various diesel fuel including the one treated by hydraulic method of ECO-5 brand as well as B type carbamide, technical iodine and petroleum coke.

Production of the plant, which was recently put into operation in Ahal Velayat, ECO – 93 gasoline and liquefied gas made of natural gas as well as high-density polypropylene from polymeric plant in Kiyanly of the State Concern Türkmengaz are on high demand among foreign business circles.

This petrochemical production was procured by businessmen from Russia, United Arab emirates, China, Switzerland, Great Britain, Luxemburg, Singapore, Malta, Afghanistan and other countries. The amount of transactions in this section was 335,476,000 US dollars. In addition, Turkmen entrepreneurs have bought polyethylene and polypropylene to total amount of 43 million manats for local market.

Businessmen from Turkey and Switzerland took part in the trades of agricultural production. They have signed four agreements to total amount of more than 36,884,000 US dolars for purchase of cotton fibre.

Businessmen from Russia, united Arab Emirates, USA, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Georgia participated in the trades of light industry. 19 transactions to total amount of more than 6,308,000 US dollars for procurement of cotton, flannel and jeans fabrics and one transactions to the amount of 600 Turkmen manats have been registered.

Businessmen from Uzbekistan and Hong Kong took part in construction material trades, having concluded 9 transactions to total amount of more than 1,510,000 US dollars for procurement of glass and Portland cement.

The First Caspian Economic Forum was marked by another event – the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of Turkmenistan has been awarded with the ISO 9001 Certificate – the document indicating that Quality Management System meeting the requirements of International Organization for Standardization.

At present time, more than 160 states are the members of ISO. This powerful organization, which develops international standards, has a consulting status in the UN Economic and Social Council and is supported by the World Trade Organization.

The State Commodity and Raw Material exchange of Turkmenistan was founded 25 years ago and holds the position of one of the most important economic institutes. High economic indicators of work of the Exchange provided its successful integration to international economic system and to gain the reputation of reliable partner in wide business circles of the world.

At present time, the Turkmen commodities, which are exported to more than 40 countries of the world including USA, China, Russia, Great Britain, Switzerland, UAE, Singapore, Turkey, Bangladesh and other countries, are sold at the exchange trades. As it was mentioned, all types of petroleum production of Turkmenistan, production of chemical industry, knitted and sewing articles for adults and children, cotton fibre and yarn, sheep, goat, camel wool, licorice and its extract as well as production of local manufacturers are on high demands in the world markets.

This is supported by the open door policy, stable economic situation and favourable investment climate, which attract businessmen from all over the world to our country.