Ï Representatives of the world press give high assessment to the Forum

Representatives of the world press give high assessment to the Forum

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The main subjects of discussions, conclusions about existing capabilities of activation of the cooperation have been summed up as well as objective evaluation of multidimensional investment potential of the region has been given at the briefing for representative of mass media on the results of the CEF in Avaza on August 13.

The importance of the idea of Caspian Economic Forum, which became a platform for bringing of cooperation between the states of Caspian region to new level as well as an instrument of economic growth in the region and beyond its borders, was highlighted at the briefing.

It was also mentioned that meeting of the ministers of the countries participating in the Agreement between the Governments of Caspian states of trade and economic cooperation and the Agreements between the Governments of Caspian states on cooperation in transport sphere initiated by the Head of Turkmenistan, support further improvement and development of cooperation coastal states in these spheres.

At the same time, the necessity of expansion of potential in trade and investment sphere and facilitation of trade procedures in Caspian region have been highlighted.

It was informed at the briefing that countries of Caspian region and all interested sides including private sector, association and scientific circles intend to support an active dialog on development of advanced practice and measures for provision of development of economic contacts.

It was also mentioned that objectives and specific measures for improvement of attractiveness of the economies of Caspian states, which is set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as one of the main condition of further active integration of this region to international economic space, have been clearly outlined at the 2019 CEF.

The sides have also agreed to encourage the attraction of investments and to stimulate the innovations in energy, industrial, transport, trade and other branches of economy of Caspian states.

Measures for further strengthening of regional cooperation in such spheres as social and economic development, natural protection, science and innovations, exchange of economic information have been planned.

In addition, decision of all participating countries to strengthen the cooperation and coordination between the countries of Caspian region and the united Nations including the UN regional commissions has been highlighted as an important moment.

The decision to hold Caspian Economic Forum on regular base in Caspian states was one of the main results of the Forum. The Statement has been drafted by the outcomes of the First Economic Forum.

Representatives of the world press gave high assessment to the Forum, having shared that it was great honour for them to participate in such important historical event and highlight in media, in other words, to be involved in the beginning of new stage in the destiny of Caspian region.