Ï Production of meat and dairy production grows in the northern region

Production of meat and dairy production grows in the northern region

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Construction of big private facility for milk processing is carried out in Gyorogly etrap, Dashoguz Velayat. It is built by member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan Oremuhammed Annagylyjev. Workshops for milk processing and production of dairy, laboratory, administration buildings, shop, medical and auxiliary infrastructure facility will be built on 2 hectares. At present time, the construction of production and laboratory buildings is carried out.

It is worth to mention that livestock farming cluster efficiently operates in the velayat due to the government investments and measures of economic stimulation. Private sector is widely presented in the sphere of meat and dairy production. Members of business community of the northern region build number of profile complexes of different production capacity relying on flexible credit mechanism.