Ï Innovations in irrigation: The State Water Management Committee implements joint project with the UNDP

Innovations in irrigation: The State Water Management Committee implements joint project with the UNDP

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Innovations in irrigation: The State Water Management Committee implements joint project with the UNDP
Innovations in irrigation: The State Water Management Committee implements joint project with the UNDP
Innovations in irrigation: The State Water Management Committee implements joint project with the UNDP
Innovations in irrigation: The State Water Management Committee implements joint project with the UNDP
Energy efficiency of pumping equipment for land improvement systems is one of the segments of joint project of the State Water Management Committee of Turkmenistan and the UN Development Programme, which is aimed at rational use of energy and water resources and innovative development of water management sphere.

Specialists of Dutch Grundfos, which made technical analysis of output capacity of pumping equipment of the State Committee, have visited our country under the project “Efficient use of energy and renewable sources of energy for sustainable water management in Turkmenistan”. Indicators of water supply and energy consumption of more than 120 units of SNP-500/10 and SNPE-500/10 brand have been inspected. Based on the inspection relative recommendations have been developed.

Head of the project Geldy Muradov said that activities for saving of water and energy resources includes reconstruction of five pumping stations in different regions of the country. these are a pumping station in Chashdepe farming association in Murgab etrap, Mary Velayat, Sumbar 1 in Magtumguly etrap, Balkan Velayat, Enish 2 in Sayat etrap, Lebap Velayat, Hakykat in Kunyaurgench etrap, Dashoguz Velayat and No. 3 pumping station in Gurtly residential estate of the capital, which supply water for plantations in Ashgabat. Modern energy saving 40 KV pumps have been installed during reconstruction. They consume 2.5 times less energy than the analogues used before.

Commissioning works have been successfully carried out at these facilities in the end of July. Besides, the experts of the project conducted seminars for specialists of local water management organizations for optimization of work of pumping stations. The training focused on economic and ecological advantages of this equipment.