Ï Eco-cycling groups of traffic control service to carry out an informational campaign among school students

Eco-cycling groups of traffic control service to carry out an informational campaign among school students

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The month of Road Safety - Safety of our Life to be held in Turkmenistan on September 1 – 30. Annual event has proven its efficiency in prevention and significant reduction of number of road incidents.

According to the plan, thematic conferences, publications of relative materials in press, broadcasting of programmes on TV and radio channels will be organized in the ministries and departments during next month. Campaigning and educational work among the population, measures for improvement of the awareness of drivers and pedestrians in the sphere of traffic safety, first aid to the injured in road incidents are planned. Vice-premier Purly Agamyradov informed the Head of the State about preparation work at the session of the Government on August 16.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Berdimuhamedov ordered the Vice-premier and representatives of the Ministry of Interior and health protection system to provide high level of organization of the month of road traffic safety, which provides active participation of the community in preventive work.

The Head of the State has also given the assignment to involve eco-cycling groups of Traffic Control Service in educational events for younger generation. It is necessary to organize the watch of these groups near schools, the President said, having noted that relative work for prevention of road incidents among children has to support the formation of integrated system of knowledge and skills of safe behaviour on the roads.