Ï Priorities of the state development are reviewed at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers

Priorities of the state development are reviewed at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where current objectives of the state life as well as some draft documents have been reviewed.

Highlighting the agenda, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on the outcomes of the events held under the first Caspian Economic Forum and reached agreements. It was informed that success of national economy, national financial and banking spheres have been demonstrated at Caspian Exhibition of innovative technologies as well as presentation on implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals has been organized.

Information about the results of the meeting of the heads of competent authorities on economy of Caspian states, where current issues of constructive partnership in this region has been discussed, was presented. It was also reported about Turkmen – Bulgarian business forum where vectors of cooperation between two countries have been outlined.

Outcomes of seminar “Perspectives of joining the World Trade Organization”, conference “Financing for support of realization of 2030 Agenda under sustainable development”, thematic sessions “Trade and Economic Cooperation in Caspian region and “Green Economy for Caspian Sea” were separate subjects of the report.

The Vice-premier has also reported about the documents signed by the Ministry of Finances and Economy and the State Bank of Foreign Economic Affairs, which fulfilment is to support further successful development of Turkmenistan and enhancement of its export potential and investment activity.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the utmost objectives of financial and economic section in the aspect of practical implementation of the agreements by the outcomes of the meetings under the first Caspian Economic Forum. It is necessary to study in details all proposals made at the CEF and to consider their practical implementation, the Head of the State noted. Strengthening of productive cooperation with leading financial institutes including with the profile UN structures are among current directions of coming work. In this context, the Vice-premier received relative assignments.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported of the outcomes of the participation of organization of the sphere under his supervision in the First Caspian Forum.

The State Concerns Türkmennebit and Türkmengaz, Türkmengeologiýa State Corporation, Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex, Polymeric Plant in Kiyanly and Gasoline Production Plant in Ahal Velayat placed their exhibition displays, which allow demonstrating production capabilities, at Caspian Exhibition of Innovative Technologies.

Contracts on procurement of petrochemical production to total amount of 335,476,000 US dollars have been signed at exchange trades under this international event. 460,000 tons of petroleum production, 18,000 tons of liquefied gas as well as 130,000 tons of eco-friendly ECO-93 gasoline have been sold to foreign market.

Perspective directions of regional cooperation and capabilities of implementation of infrastructural projects have been discussed at thematic session “Energy Potential of Caspian Sea”.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that strategic role of Caspian region in international economic relations is provided by the richest reserves of hydrocarbons, which have an international significance. This huge energy potential is enhanced by geographic location of Caspian Sea, as it is transcontinental transport corridor.

The Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with assignments on further modernization of production infrastructure of oil and gas industry, attraction of foreign investments to the sphere, construction of new innovative petrochemical complexes, taking of targeted measures for increment of export volumes of ready-made production to the world markets.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on the measures for further development of Ashgabat, construction of production, social and cultural facilities in the capital, modernization of road and transport system, provision of coordinated activity of energy and municipality services.

In this regard, proposal on procurement of necessary spare parts for relative equipment for provision of Ashgabat development has been presented to the Head of the State for review.

Thee Vice-premier has also reported on use of modern technologies and energy saving systems for improvement of reliability of power supply of the capital.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave orders on control of the fulfilment of contracts’ terms. Supporting of order on the streets and territories around the buildings implies systematic care of green plantations in addition to rational use of modern municipality service machines, the Head of the State said, having noted the necessity of integrated approach to the development of the capital.

Implementation and wide use of energy efficient and saving technologies are very important these days. Growth of load and growing demands to capacities of energy infrastructure of Ashgabat make digitization a necessary component of organization of living environment, the Head of the State highlighted, having addressed the Vice-premier with certain assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakiyev reported in thee work of industrial and communication complex for provision of high organizational level of the First Caspian Economic Forum in Avaza Natioanl tourist zone, International Exhibition of Innovative Technologies and Türkmen sährasy – 2019 Motor Review.

Profile structures held meetings with foreign companies, during which the subjects of cooperation in transport sphere, industry and communication, opportunities of realization of investment projects have been discussed. 17 bilateral documents have been singed in this direction.

Ministries and profile departments of industrial and communication complex presented their displays at Caspian Exhibition of Innovative Technologies for advertisement of production and services.

Relative agreement on procurement of medical helicopters of Kazan Helicopter Plant has been reached. It has also been noted that Rowaç passenger ship has arrived in the port before the forum.

Textile production to the amount of more than 6,308,000 US dollars has been sold at the exchange trades.

Having highlighted the importance of events under the First Caspian Economic Forum including the above-mentioned international exhibitions, the Head of the State noted practical orientation of these reviews in the context of enhancement of direct business contacts with foreign partners and demonstration of achievements of our country and its multidimensional potential.

In this regard, the President ordered to analyse in the details the outcomes of events, to take necessary measures for realization of efficient cooperation in industrial, transport and communication sectors.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the results of events held by the facilities of trade complex under the First Caspian Economic Forum in Avaza National tourist zone.

This, Trade and Industrial Chamber of Turkmenistan together with relative ministries and departments has organized Caspian Exhibition of Innovative Technologies and Türkmen sährasy – 2019 Motor Review with 156 exhibition halls of the exhibitors from 22 countries of the world in Turkmenbashy International Port.

The programme of the exhibitions included 23 orientation activities, which presented capabilities of national and foreign producers. 23 bilateral meetings dedicated to the discussion of current directions of the partnership, to promotion of which Turkmen leader Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays great attention in his historical speech at the forum, has also taken place.

The trades, which presented high quality eco-friendly production, have been held by the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of Turkmenistan under the forum in Turkmenbashy International Port. This is ECO-93 gasoline, polyethylene, polypropylene, carbamide, technical iodine, cement, glass, cotton fibre, textile and other goods of 28 items.

105 brokers from 19 countries took part in the trades. Buyers from UAE, China, Switzerland, Great Britain, Luxemburg, Singapore, Afghanistan, Russia, Malta procured A – 80 and ECO – 93 gasoline, jet and diesel fuel, liquefied gas, total petroleum coke as well as polyethylene, carbamide, technical iodine. 72 transactions to total amount of 335,476,000 US dollars have been registered in these positions.

Buyers from Turkey and Switzerland have bought cotton fibre. Contracts to total amount of 36,884,555 US dollars have been signed with them. Buyers from Russia, UAE, USA, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Turkey have bought cotton yarn, flannel and jeans fabrics, having signed 19 contracts to total amount of 6,308,500 US dollars and one contract in national currency to the amount of 96,600 manats.

Buyers from Uzbekistan and China have procured transparent glass and Portland cement to the amount of 1,510,125 US dollars.

For local market, Turkmen entrepreneurs have purchased polyethylene and polypropylene, having signed 151 contracts to the amount of 43,000,000 manats.

Therefore, 256 transactions to total amount of 380,179,180 US dollars and 43,096, 600 manats have been registered at the trades under the First Caspian Economic Forum.

At the same time, business meeting with participation of around 300 representatives of foreign companies as well as members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan has been held. Bilateral meetings, which resulted in signing of 15 agreements and other documents on cooperation in accordance with objectives outlined by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, have also been held.

The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange received the ISO Certificate, which proves high organizational level of the exchange trades. Trade and Industrial Chamber of Turkmenistan was awarded with the Diploma of German Messe Frankfurt for high-level organization of exhibitions as well as with the Diploma of the Trade and Industrial Chamber of the Economic Cooperation Organization and the Union of Chambers and Exchanges of Turkey for the contribution to the development of exhibition industry.

19 business meetings with participation of profile officials and specialists have been held under the CEF – 2019.

In general, around 60 international documents related to the cooperation in such spheres as information technologies, investment cooperation, trade, economic and financial sphere, diplomacy, transport, energy, light industry, agriculture and water management, sport and other fields have been signed by the outcomes of events and talks held at the First Caspian Economic Forum.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave number of orders for realization of the agreements in Avaza. Today, Turkmenistan turns into industrially developed state where improvement of profitability and competiveness of national economy are the main objectives of economic strategy.

Great importance in this aspect is paid to intensification of versatile cooperation with the states of the world, implementation of advanced practice and latest achievements, the President said, having noted that foreign trade relations of the country have to be oriented to maximum involvement to global market, realization of geopolitical, economic, resources and production potential.

Implementation of innovations and advanced technologies would open the opportunities for business, growth of production, would allow providing new services including electronic ones, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having ordered the Vice-premier to coordinate cooperation of the state structures and private section in this sphere.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov presented the plan of activities, which would be held under the month of Road Safety – Safety of our Life on September 1 – 30, to the Head of the State for review. It was mentioned that this annual event initiated by the Leader of the Nation has proven its efficiency in prevention and significant reduction of number of road and traffic accidents, strict provision of traffic safety and compliance with traffic rules.

According to the plan, thematic conferences, publications of relative materials in press, broadcasting of programmes on TV and radio channels will be organized in the ministries and departments during next month. Campaigning and educational work among the population, measures for improvement of the awareness of drivers and pedestrians in the sphere of traffic safety, first aid to the injured in road incidents are planned.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Vice-premier and representatives of the Ministry of Interior and health protection system to provide high level of organization of the month under slogan Road Safety – Safety of our Life, which provides active participation of the community in preventive work.

The Head of the State has also given the assignment to involve eco-cycling groups of Traffic Control Service in educational events for younger generation. It is necessary to organize the watch of these groups near schools, Turkmen leader said, having noted that relative work for prevention of road incidents among children has to support the formation of integrated system of knowledge and skills of safe behaviour on the roads.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported in the preparation to the 28th anniversary of the Independence of Turkmenistan.

It was mentioned that it is planned to hold number of big events together with ministries and relative departments of the country on occasion of remarkable event in September.

Preparation to celebration parade in front of the State Tribune, especially theatre performances of the art masters and thematic performances demonstrating success of our country in the spheres of the state and social life is carried out.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the necessity of thorough preparation to the Independence Day. All events dedicated to the celebration dates have to be held on high organizational level and to reflect the essence of progressive policy of Turkmen state, the President highlighted, having given specific assignments to the Vice-premier in this regard.

In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the outcomes of the First Caspian Economic Forum and Caspian Exhibition of Innovative Technologies as well as about the reforms in agriculture and seasonal field works in the regions of the country.

The ministry and profile departments of agricultural complex placed their expositions at the above-mentioned exhibition. The visitors were able to see the achievements of agricultural and water management of the country, high quality production and work in the sphere of natural protection and ecology.

10 documents related to the export of agricultural production to total amount of more than 251,371,000 US dollars have been signed.

Negotiations aimed at further development of cooperation with the Board of the CIS Intergovernmental Coordination Council for Seed Production and profile companies have been held at the request of the Head of the State.

At present time, inter-row cultivation of cotton, mineral fertilization and vegetation irrigation are carried out in the velayats according to agrotechnical standards.

At the same time, preparation to the cotton harvest campaign is ongoing. Ploughing and levelling of lands are carried out at the fields for wheat. Seeding material is prepared.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan gave specific assignments to the Vice-premier on realization of the programmes of development of agriculture and changes in agrarian sector, which are aimed at the improvement of the efficiency of agricultural complex, increment of production volumes of agricultural products, provision of food abundance and strengthening of export potential of the country.

The Head of the State ordered to activate work for further diversification of agrarian production, implementation of the system of digital electronic management of the sphere as well as I the sphere of rational use of land and water resources, improvement of soil conditions and production of agricultural crops.

The President pointed out that all these subjects have to be solved on high technological level using advanced world practice, innovations, latest scientific and technical developments. Modernization of technical fleet of agricultural complex has to be made by the equipment of the latest modifications, which has successfully passed the test in local soil and climate conditions. It is necessary to use more the capabilities of Turkmen entrepreneurs and to support private initiative comprehensively.

Turkmen leader highlighted the importance of continuation of work for practical implementation of international initiatives of our country for ecological and water issues, close cooperation with competent organizations in this sphere.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov informed about the activity of the Ministry and reported to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about the outcomes of the First Caspian Economic Forum, having highlighted its importance in the context of creation of new foundations of interstate relations, development of beneficial partnership in regional and interregional scales.

The forum initiated by the President of Turkmenistan and held with great success became a remarkable and historical not only of the countries of Caspian Sea. This was visually indicated by representative composition of the participants of the CEF, International Exhibition of Innovative Technologies and Türkmen sährasy-2019» Motor Show and other events and meetings, which united the delegations of 58 countries and representatives of 39 international organizations, businessmen from 50 states and foreign scientists.

Substantial speech of the President of Turkmenistan at the CEF, initiatives and proposals made by the Head of the State, which include the opening of Caspian regional logistic centre, Caspian innovative City, new Caspian Ecological Programme, use of methods of green diplomacy have found wide response in international community. Necessary work for practical implementation of these initiatives has been started.

57 documents about cooperation in economic, trade, investment, finance, transport, energy, light industry, agriculture and water management, information technologies and other spheres have been signed at the Forum. Turkmen side received number of international diplomas and certificates.

The Statement , which was highlighted broadly in national and foreign mass media, has been developed by the outcomes of the First Caspian Economic Forum.

In the report, the Vice-premier, Foreign Minister reported on the preparation of the visit of the Government delegation of Turkmenistan led by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Singapore planned in the end of August.

Having highlighted that development of constructive cooperation with the states of Caspian region is among priority vectors of foreign course of Turkmenistan, which is based on the principles of positive neutrality, goodwill and beneficial partnership, the President noted that our country makes significant input to the implementation of versatile potential of Caspian Sea supporting the assertion of its status as a sea of peace, friendship and harmony.

Resultative character of the CEF, events and meeting under its framework brightly indicate its growing geopolitical and economic potential, continental and global importance of this strategic region, which has colossal reserves of natural and hydrocarbon resources and wide transit capabilities. In this context, the Head of the State expressed the confidence that the First Caspian Economic Forum, reached agreements and signed documents would serve to further successful consolidation of efforts for activation of productive cooperation taking into account long-term perspective.

Continuing the subject, having focused on new initiatives of Turkmenistan about caspain Sea, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave relative assignments on their promotion and practical implementation.

The President has also addressed the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister with certain assignments for provision of high organizational level of coming Government visit to the Republic of Singapore, which is to give an actual impulse to efficient cooperation in different spheres.

Chairperson of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed about current activity of the Parliament and work on new draft bills including for development of the branches of national economy.

Preparation to regular session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan is among the utmost objectives. Organizational work is carried out, proposals on composition of the participants and agenda of the coming nation-wide forum are studied.

Having listened to the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the currency of further modernization of national legislation base in the context of strategic objectives of the state development.

Speaking of the preparation to the session of the People’s Council, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity to provide all conditions for its high-level organization, to work on the programme and relative documents of the forum.

Addressing the participants of the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President gave specific assignments including those related to the provision of high organizational level of the celebrations and cultural events timed to coming holidays and remarkable dates to relative leaders.

Having focused on priority objectives of agricultural complex and noted that the state provides comprehensive support to the farmers, the President ordered to take proper measures for integrated preparation to cotton harvest campaign.

Having highlighted the subject of the coming educational year, the Head of Turkmenistan ordered to organize the work of school markets and to provide the students with all necessary appliances.

Regarding the activity of industrial and communication complex, it was highlighted that it is necessary to pay priority attention to the expansion of cargo traffic by transit and transport corridors as well as to strengthen control of the implementation of the Programme of industrial development of the country until 2030.

Speaking of the importance of organized traditional month of road traffic safety, the Head of the State requested to attract all public organizations, political parties to this work, which have to take an active part in the events.

In addition, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave relative instructions on acceleration of the reforms in the sphere of power energy.

Having highlighted the subjects of financial and banking sector, the Head of the State requested to continue work for improvement of activity of the facilities of this sphere, having highlighted the importance of steadfast implementation of the plans for digitization and diversification of national economy.

At the same time, the Head of the state requested to hold under permanent control the solution of the objectives for further increment of production capacities of fuel and energy complex, modernization of profile infrastructure and acceleration of investment developments.

Having stated with delight successful First Caspian Economic Forum, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted its great importance for Caspian states. Having noted again that there are many events and activities including the session of the People’s Council, summing up of Altyn Asyr contest, celebration of the Independence Day, International Neutrality Day as well as the session of the Heads of the CIS states, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity to provide their high organizational level.

Finishing video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health, family wealth and success in work to all participants.