Ï The President of Turkmenistan held working session

The President of Turkmenistan held working session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference working session where the utmost objectives of further development of agricultural complex as well as other issues of the state life have been reviewed.

First, the Head of the State called Minister of Agriculture and Natural Protection M. Bayramdurdiyev who reported on the activity of the structure under his supervision and situation in agricultural fields of the country.

Information about preparation to the sowing of winter crops and cotton harvesting has been presented under the report. In this context, it was informed about the measures for provision of high level of coming works including technical services by the introduction of digital technologies. Provision of farmers with seeding material was separate subject of the report.

The report on fulfilment of the assignments of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov including on the work of local private producers, who received land plots in long-term lease, has also been presented.

It was reported on the situation at the facilities for storage of agricultural production under the supervision of the Ministry. Steadfast work for preparation to the reception of fruits and vegetables to cooling storages is carried out. The information about the measures for care of rice plantations in Dashoguz and Lebap Velayats and beetroot in Mary and Balkan Velayats has also been given.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State noted that all planned activities have to be carried out as per schedule and on proper level and ordered to hold under strict control the course of seasonal campaigns, provision of equipment as well as to approach the settlements of payments with farmers with full responsibility making it on time.

The President outlined diversification of agricultural production, establishment of efficient relations between agricultural producers, processing and service structure among current directions of coming work.

It was highlighted that provision of local food abundance is one of the main aspects of the state policy. Today, wide variety of high quality goods, which are competitive in foreign markets and allowing implementing import substitution, enhancing export positions, is produced in the result of the implementation of the programmes of social and economic development of the country. Having focused on the priority objectives of agricultural complex facilities, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave specific assignments.

After, Chairman of the State Water Management Committee A. Yazmyradov reported on the work for rational use on scientific base taking into account the standards of ecological safety.

Integrated measures aimed at rational use of water sources of the mountain and foothill areas were separate subject of the report. Special attention is paid to compliance with existing ecological standards during development of project documentation.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted that water reserves including water diversions in mountains as well as Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake have sufficient reserves of water. Large-scale work is carried out for steadfast improvement of water supply to agricultural fields. The President highlighted that large-scale work is carried out and it has to be continued on scientific base.

Improvement of efficiency of operation of irrigation systems and implementation of innovative technologies to the sphere would support the solution of the utmost objectives for rational water management, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having ordered to hold under permanent control these issues.

The Head of the State has also ordered to take integrated measures for proper provision of water to the fields under crops complying with requirements of ecological balance.

Natural protection, protection of rich biological diversity, improvement of water resources in qualitative and quantitative aspect are among the priorities of national strategy in the sphere of natural management, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted.

Large-scale work for creation of green belts around cities and settlements, which supports the improvement of air purity and humidity, formation of favourable living environment, the President noted.

Measures for improvement of the system of management of water resources on national level support the increment of water volumes. Having pointed out that work in this direction has t be carried out on scientific base and taking into account natural and climate conditions of each region, the head of the State gave specific assignments for successful solution of this strategic objective.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported to the President about the outcomes of the trip around the regions of the country for inspection of the situation on the fields under crops. It was informed that at present time, preparation to the sowing of winter crops is carried out at high rates in the velayats. The farmers are supplied with high quality seeding material, uninterrupted work of agricultural equipment has been arranged.

Reporting on the level of organization of coming cotton harvest campaign, the Vice-premier informed that cotton of care crops is carried out these days on integrated base according to agrotechnical standards. Proper work has been carried out in the regions for achievement of planned indicators. Reception facilities and cotton plants, which have laboratories with modern equipment for inspection of the quality of raw material, are ready to 24/7 working schedule.

Information about the preparation livestock complexes to winter season where proper measures for keeping of cattle and sheep were taken, has also been presented.

The Vice-premier informed about the work for organization of autumn season of equestrian races under the report.

Having focused on the issues of the cotton harvest campaign, the President highlighted the importance of strict control of the preparation to coming agricultural campaign. Winter crop sowing is also an important examination for local farmers, the Head of the State continued, having addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments on this account.

Having noted that hyakims of the velayats are granted with vacation from that day, the Head of Turkmenistan ordered the Vice-premier to assign the duties of the heads of the regions to deputy hyakims and to hold under control the issues related with their activity.

Equestrian competitions in the country support further development of equestrian traditions of Turkmen nation, popularization of glorious ahalteke horses in the world, the President highlighted. It would be reasonable to start equestrian races in the first decade of September this year, the Head of the State said, having ordered to organize junior competitions on September 7 and among the jockeys on September 8.

Video conference workign session was continued with the report of Chairman of Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication O. Sukhanov who reported on re-organization of the activity of structure under his supervision.

It was mentioned that recently, special attention is paid on the Government level to the modernization of equipment and facility base of the agency by the provision of new modifications of passenger transport. The measures for improvement of activity of the facilities of this sphere have to support the enhancement of the quality and level of services, the President highlighted.

Despite regular character of works, there are some cases of losing control of uninterrupted movement of city buses. For example, there were some cases of violation of set schedules of public transport movement, Turkmen leader noted, having demanded to correct the situation immediately.

The President of Turkmenistan reprimanded Chairman of Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication O. Sukhanov for improper fulfilment of his duties with the last warning about the correction of detected deficiencies immediately.

The Head of the State ordered to take efficient measures for proper regulation of bus traffic due to the beginning of new educational year in order students and pupils would be able to reach their educational facilities on time. Improvement of service culture is a compulsory requirement, the President said.

Having noted the expansion of construction works in the capital at present time, Turkmen leader ordered to study the organization of transport service for personnel of local and foreign construction companies including the opportunity of renting the buses on contractual base.

After, Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdiyev reported on the situation in banking sphere and measures for implementation of innovative technologies. There are enough money in credit departments, the President noted. It was highlighted that issues related with reasonable use with provision of control of uninterrupted work of ATM machines by relative technical teams are among current requirements.

The Head of the State reprimanded Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdiyev for improper fulfilment of his duties and loss of control of the work of ATMs, having ordered to correct the deficiencies in short period.

Finishing the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health, family wealth and success in work to all participants.