Ï Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization

Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization

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Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Textile industry: Strategy of integrated modernization
Turkmen textile steadily improves its competiveness not only in local but also in international markets owing to rapid development of textile industry based on advanced technologies, application of the best national and world practice.

Thus, exchange trades, where businessmen from USA, Russia, UAE, Turkey and other countries have taken part on the ground of textile industry, were held during Caspian Exhibition of Innovative Technologies, which was held in Avaza National tourist zone under I Caspian Economic Forum. 19 transactions to the amount of more than 6,308,000 US dollars for procurement of cotton, flannel and jeans fabrics and one transaction to the amount of 96,600 Turkmen manats have been registered at the trades.

The Head of the State set out the objectives to the branch, which is one of the main segment of industrial sector of national economy, for increment of import substitutive production, formation of new high technology complexes, opening of process facilities for production of various competitive items based on efficient use of local materials.

Facilities of the branch carry out large-scale work providing dynamic growth of macroeconomic indicators in all above-mentioned directions. This is indicated by statistical data for January – July this year. Thus, the volume of production for seven months has increased in many positions comparing with the same period of 2018.

In particular, the production of cotton yarn has grown by 35.9 percent, cotton fabrics including terrycloth by 75.6 percent, raw silk by 91.8 percent, sewing and knitted items by 47.9 percent, carpets by more than 16 percent.

Indicator of retail trade, which is 14.6 percent higher comparing with the same period of last year, is also worth mentioning. The growth of cost volume of export supplies of textile materials was 38.8 percent, raw silk – 101.6 percent, carpets and carpet production – 53.8 percent.

Information about sale of 39,300 tons of cotton yarn to the amount of 114,000,000 US dollars, which is 24.3 percent higher than indicator of the last year, around 60,000,000 square meters of cotton fabrics to the amount of 61,800,000 US dollars (37.8 percent higher), clothes and readymade textile articles to the amount of 38,100,000 US dollars (116.8 percent) indicates stable character of promotion of Turkmen textile in the world market.

It is seen from the above-mentioned data that the branch has wide opportunities for entry new levels.

By its natural and climate conditions, our country is a unique zone for growing of medium and fine fibre cotton varieties. Natural cotton fibre is valuable raw material, one of the most profitable export goods under modern organization of production based on innovative technologies. The indicator of cotton fibre processing has grown from 3 to 51 percent for the years of independence.

At present time, practical measures are taken in this sphere for maximum use of existing capabilities of the sphere. Technical modernization of textile complexes provides their targeted orientation to production of profile goods taking into account geographic location and proximity to material resources, which, as Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, makes effect on profitability of facilities and final price for the goods.

At present moment, the branch has 85 facilities – 63 production and 15 combined where production of high quality cotton and mixed yarn and fabrics, readymade terry, sewing and jeans garments has been arranged. In addition, there are silk processing and shoe factories, plants for initial leather processing. The Ministry of Textile Industry has Altyn Asyr Shopping Centre and 11 specialized shops. Around 30,000 people work in this industry altogether. Provision of equipment from the leading Japanese and European companies support successful achievement of set objectives.

Production of the facilities of the branch has been awarded with ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management and OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certificates.

Realization of the state programmes for import substitution and increment of volumes of export oriented production, which provide opening of new facilities and re-orientation of existing facilities, is an important factor for balanced development of all structural divisions of the complex.

Rational approach to this subject significantly reduced the import by production of wide range of own high quality goods by available price. Studying the demands of local markets, Turkmen designers develop and start the production of new lines of clothes and other goods.

As it was mentioned above, the fact that significant part of Turkmen export is the production of textile facilities is a visual confirmation of huge potential of the branch. This is not only various yarn, fabrics, knitwear, which are on high demand in foreign markets but also readymade sewing items and home textile.

Ground breaking ceremony of textile complexes in Kaahka and Babadayhan etraps, Ahal Velayat, each of them designated for processing of 5,000 tons of fine fibre cotton per year, is among bright examples of solution of the utmost objectives set by Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the branch.

Both projects provide the organization of entire chain of technological process from the stage of processing to final production and include spinning, weaving, dyeing and sewing facilities. Around 2,650 work places will be opened after putting these facilities into operation.

Signing of the Resolution on handover of the Türkmenhaly State Association to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of textile Industry signed by the President of Turkmenistan on October 5, 2017 was a practical measure in improvement of activity of textile industry.

New facilities with all conditions for fruitful work and realization of art ideas of masters work in all parts of the countries. Establishment of qualitative industrial processing and production of material on modern level – strong flexible yarn, which is made of the sheep wool of Saraja breed, supports the increment of volumes of production of traditional ornamented and modern carpet items and the improvement of production capacity of this cluster.

Argach Wool Spinning Mill, which is able to produce up to 500 kg of pure wool yarn including 250 kg of dyed yarn due to technical modernization, is specialized facility in this direction.

One tenth of total volume of materials for wool spinning factories covered completely the requirements of the sphere after opening of new production facility at Mary Factory of initial processing. Significant part of production goes to local market while the part of it is exported.

It is also important to note that construction of modern art carpet facilities, which opening will provide 500 new work places, has been started in Ahal, Mary, Lebap and Dashoguz Velayat as well as in Ashgabat.

Silk production is one of priority directions of textile industry. Today, this sphere is under revival. This is indicated by the measures for increment of the volumes of silk cocoon production, full provision of profile processing complexes with valuable feedstock and their modernization.

Leading silk facilities like Ashgabat Silk Factory and Turkmenabat Silk Production Association have been completely reconstructed and provided with modern equipment. The facilities make production, which meets relative international standards and on high demand in the world market. These are raw silk, finest silk yarn and wide variety of fabrics.

In local market, the production of these facilities is on high demand not only in weaving and sewing sections. Big demand on this yarn and thread of various colours and shades is provided by production of silk handmade carpets, decorative and applied art items like national embroidery by private facilities.

Introduction of efficient technological chain “raw material – readymade production” at Ruhabat and Ashgabat textile complexes, which produce different export oriented goods, played to the favour of competitive advantages of national textile production.

Production of high-class fabrics gave strong impulse to the development of sewing and knitted sections, filling of local market with fashionable and quality items of own make, which successfully substitute foreign analogues.

Overall reconstruction of leading sewing factories of the country, Ahal in Ashgabat, Çeper in Dashoguz, Eňiş in Mary as well as Turkmenabat Sewing Factory, supported to increase the volumes of production of readymade clothes by production of specialized uniform for personnel of different departments.

Industrial facilities oriented to making of production, which has not been produced in the country before, serve to the increment of export potential of the industry. for example, the facility for processing of textile wastes with production capacity of 5,000 tons of regenerated fibre per year, operates in Ashgabat Textile Complex.

Design production capacity of the workshop is provided following total volumes of wastes produced in all textile facilities of the country. This waste regeneration line, which was introduced in Turkmenistan for the first time, saved material expenses significantly, arranged the process of production, which on high demand in number of foreign countries like Turkey, China and other.

Speaking of the perspectives of development of textile industry, it is worth mentioning that relative plan for 2019 – 2025 has been elaborated based on analysis of technical, economic and financial condition of facilities under the Ministry of Textile Industry.

The document has been developed taking into account the main trends and changes in the system of the world economy as well as the utmost objectives set out in the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025.

Further development of the branch, increment of variety and export of competitive textile and carpet production, expansion of import substitutive production, implementation of investment projects have been outlined among the main directions of coming work. The utmost attention will be paid to the continuation of gradual fundamental modernization of outdated facilities, opening of new high technological complexes in all velayats and creation of additional work places.

At the same time, own funds of the Ministry will be the source of financing for implementation of the Plan. It is planned to reconstruct and modernize 38 facilities and to open production facilities on the base of existing 22 complexes for seven years. In general, it is expected to create around 3,150 work places.

The variety of textile production will be expanded by the arrangement of production of corduroy fabrics, various non-woven material like spun bond, spun lace, hollow fibre, curtains as well as synthepon and carpeting. At the same time, it is planned to improve the technology of production of artificial leather and haberdashery ware like laces, zippers, elastic bands, leather belts. It is also planned to produce soft children’s toys, wet towels and other goods.

Opening of production facilities with different form of ownership is to support the increment of the occupancy of the population, contribution to the state budget and thus, will serve as an important factor of provision of social wealth of the citizens.

In this context, privatization of outdated facilities of the Ministry of Textile Industry, which requires reconstruction and modernization as well as the facilities, which construction has not been completed, is outlined among the activities of the Ministry in near future.

As of today, 18 out of 29 textile facilities of the Ministry of Textile Industry, which were planned to be transferred to private ownership, have been privatized while from Türkmenhaly Production Association, this figure is 10 out of 19. Relative works are carried out at the rest of the facilities.

It is worth mentioning that it is planned to establish specialized structure for optimization of scientific, technological and personnel potential of the branch in coming years. Development of actual and perspective projects, conduct of fundamental and scientific studies for improvement of production processes are outlined as the main directions of its activity.

Planned activities are aimed at solution of the objectives for provision of raw materials, efficient use of labour resources, equipment, expansion of variety and improvement of quality of production and arrangement of new production.

In general, the implementation of the Plan provides opening of the facilities based on modern, eco-friendly technologies, formation of the system of integrated management including the improvement of the sphere of service and marketing.

Maximum use of potential of the sphere taking into account local demands and requirements of the world market will support the improvement of competiveness of textile industry of the country together with the growth of financial and economic indicators.