Ï Future of investments to chemical industry of Turkmenistan noted in Singapore

Future of investments to chemical industry of Turkmenistan noted in Singapore

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It was noted during Turkmen – Singapore business forum that availability of rich natural resources, favourable geographic location as well as foreign economic open door policy provide investment attractiveness of Turkmenistan.

Chemical industry of Turkmenistan, which development perspectives have been presented to Singapore business community, is one of current directions for foreign investments.

At present time, the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa includes 11 industrial facilities, which form the base of chemical industry of the country. Implementation of efficient, energy and resource saving technologies based on latest scientific and technical developments are among the utmost objectives of development of the industry.

It was noted during the presentation of the capabilities of the branch that special attention is paid to expansion of production of mineral fertilizers, which is related to the availability of material base, high capacity of local market in this type of production, enhancement of efficiency of agricultural production.

For the last 10 years, total volume of mineral fertilizer production capacities of the country has grown by more than 3 times. New ammonia and carbamide complexes in Mary and Garabogaz, biggest in Central Asian region Garlyk Potassium Ore Mining Complex, hydrochloric acid production workshop in Turkmenabat Chemical Plant have been built for this period. Financial investments were more than 3.3 billion US dollars during realization of these projects. Leading companies from Japan, USA and European Union were the partners of our country in these projects.

Soon, it is planned to implement number of new perspective investment projects. It includes the construction of the plants for production of iodine, bromine and their derivatives, new facility for production of phosphorus fertilizers under Turkmenabat Chemical Plant, installation for production of mixed (N, P, K) fertilizers, petrochemical complex for production of mineral fertilizers and chemical production in Mary and many other.

Production of high liquid chemicals for local market and export is economically profitable for all participants of similar projects. Availability of modern transport infrastructure and its integration to international transport system including big seaports will allow solving the problems of export of multi-tonnage chemical production in different directions.

This subject was supported by Director of Indorama Corporation Pte. Ltd Prakash Keirival in his speech. The company based in Singapore is one of the leading chemical holdings in Asia, which make numerous production including polyethylene, nitrate and phosphate fertilizers, polyether and polyether materials, textile and medical gloves. It manages more than 70 production facilities in more than 30 countries and has more than 30,000 personnel all over the world.