Ï The official greeting ceremony of the President of Turkmenistan in the residence in Singapore

The official greeting ceremony of the President of Turkmenistan in the residence in Singapore

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The official ceremony of greeting President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took place in the Istana Palace. President of Singapore, Mrs. Halimah Yacob cordially greeted the distinguished guest on the square at the main entrance. The leaders of the two countries exchanged the mutual greetings.

The commander of the Guard of Honour reported to the leaders of the two states and the national anthems of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Singapore were sounded.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President Halimah Yacob bypassed the Guard of Honour, paying tribute to the State Flag of the Republic of Singapore.

The heads of two states proceeded to the Istana Palace, where in the lobby, the Turkmen leader left a memorable entry in the Book of the Guests of Honour.

The members of the official delegation of Singapore were introduced to the President of Turkmenistan, and the members of the government delegation of Turkmenistan were introduced to the President of the Republic of Singapore.

After the traditional ceremony of photographing, the leaders of the two countries headed to the Conference Hall, where the meeting of the government delegations of Turkmenistan and Singapore, led by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President Halimah Yacob, took place.