Ï Top-level talks between Turkmenistan and Singapore

Top-level talks between Turkmenistan and Singapore

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held talks with President of Singapore Halimah Yacob at the Istana Palace with the participation of government delegations of the two countries.

The Turkmen leader thanked for the invitation to visit the Republic of Singapore, the warm welcome and the conditions created for effective joint work, expressing believe that the first state visit to Singapore will be an important step towards the development of friendly bilateral relations that will offer a new impetus to their activation.

Cooperation in the spheres of trade and economy, including fuel and energy complex, the chemical and textile industries, transport and communications was specified among the priority areas of collaboration. In this regard, the parties called for the increase and diversification of the mutual trade turnover.

Joint intergovernmental structures, as well as business councils will play an important role in Turkmen-Singaporean cooperation. In this regard, the head of Turkmenistan focused on the possibility to establish mechanisms for promoting trade and economic relations, in particular organization of business forums, exhibitions, and expert meetings on a regular basis.

It will also be useful to develop contacts between the representatives of business circles of the two countries in order to establish joint activities and exchange experience. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed to hold the next Turkmenistan-Singapore business forum in Ashgabat.

It is also important to discuss the prospects for expanding the dialogue in the spheres of education, science and high technologies, where Turkmenistan is interested in the experience of colleagues from Singapore.

There are good opportunities for cooperation in the tourism industry. Turkmenistan welcomes cooperation with Singaporean partners in frames of the project on the development of the Avaza National tourism zone on the Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea.

In the context of interstate relations, one of the priority tasks is to strengthen fruitful cultural and humanitarian ties. Various events, thematic exhibitions, and the Days of Culture of the two countries on a regular basis will contribute to establishing closer relations between the peoples of the two states.

Underlining the willingness of Turkmenistan to further develop mutually beneficial relations with the Republic of Singapore, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov invited President Halimah Yacob to pay a return visit to our country at any time convenient for her.

Continuing the negotiations, which took place in a confidential atmosphere and in a constructive spirit, a wide range of issues of Turkmen-Singaporean cooperation was discussed, its priority directions were specified taking into account modern realities and possibilities for practical realization of the diverse potential.

The parties exchanged views on the important issues of regional and international politics of mutual interest.

In conclusion of the meeting, reaffirming the willingness of Turkmenistan and Singapore to develop effective partnerships on a long-term basis, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Halimah Yacob exchanged the best wishes and wished all the best to the peoples of the two countries.