Ï Delegation of Turkmenistan has a meeting with Government of Jilin Province

Delegation of Turkmenistan has a meeting with Government of Jilin Province

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Delegation of Turkmenistan has a meeting with Government of Jilin Province
Delegation of Turkmenistan has a meeting with Government of Jilin Province
Delegation of Turkmenistan has a meeting with Government of Jilin Province
Delegation of Turkmenistan has a meeting with Government of Jilin Province
Delegation of Turkmenistan has a meeting with Government of Jilin Province
Delegation of Turkmenistan has a meeting with Government of Jilin Province
Delegation of Turkmenistan has a meeting with Government of Jilin Province
Delegation of Turkmenistan has a meeting with Government of Jilin Province
Deputy Minister of Culture of Turkmenistan Nursahet Shirimov took part in the events of the 12th China-Northeast Asia Expo, as well as the exhibition "Ahalteke Horses and the Silk Road", dedicated to the Turkmen-Chinese friendship, and the Equestrian Culture Festival of the two countries.

Ministry of Commerce of People’s Republic of China, National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, People’s Government of Jilin Province organized the 12th China-Northeast Asia Expo.

The delegation of Turkmenistan took part in the reception, organized for foreign guests in the city of Changchun on August 22. The reception was attended by the Governor of Jilin Province and the heads of some Chinese regions.

The Deputy Minister of Culture of Turkmenistan and the Governor of Jilin Province discussed the possibilities for developing cooperation. The Chinese party expressed the interest in deepening cultural relations.

On August 23, the delegation of Turkmenistan participated in the opening ceremony of the 12th China-Northeast Asia Expo and the 10th High-Level Forum on Northeast Asia Cooperation.

The members of the Turkmen delegation and officials of Jilin Province visited the exhibition "Ahalteke Horses and the Silk Road", organized by the Government of Jilin Province and Jilin Shengshi Horse Culture Co. Ltd Company. The exposition showcased more than 60 works by Chinese and foreign painters, dedicated to ‘heavenly horses’.

The opportunities for the enhancement of cooperation between our country and Jilin Province, in particular in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, as well as chemical industry, consumer goods industry, large-scale industry and in the sphere of education were discussed during the meeting with the heads of Jilin Province.

Deputy Minister of Culture of Turkmenistan, Nursahet Shirimov acquainted his Chinese colleagues with the socio-economic achievements of our country, foreign-policy and foreign-economic initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, as well as work carried out under the patronage of the President of Turkmenistan to popularize Ahalteke horses and the national art of horse breeding all around the world.

Upon conclusion of the meeting, the opening ceremony of the Equestrian Culture Festival of Turkmenistan and China was held. The event was organized on the initiative of the Embassy of our country in China and the government of Jilin Province.

The Deputy Secretary of the CPC party committee of Jilin Province and the Deputy Minister of Culture of Turkmenistan expressed their confidence that the festival would strengthen cultural ties and promote multifaceted cooperation between the two countries.

Galkynysh Group of National Equestrian Games took part in an enchanting circus performance. A vivid event was widely covered in the Chinese media.