Ï Positive practice of Turkmenistan in implementation of the SDGs is a subject of meeting in Foreign Ministry

Positive practice of Turkmenistan in implementation of the SDGs is a subject of meeting in Foreign Ministry

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The Foreign Ministry hosted the session of the Working Group for implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development in Turkmenistan.

Members of the Working Group for implementation of the SDGs, heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in our country took part in the meeting.

Presentation of Voluntary National Review of Turkmenistan on implementation of the SDGs and further measures in this direction have been discussed at the session.

As is known, Turkmenistan is one of the first states in the world , which adopted global Sustainable Development Goals on the government level. Book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan on the way to achieve Sustainable Development Goals”, which has been published last year and presented to wide international community at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, was the basis during preparation of Voluntary National Review.

The Ministry of Finances and Economy and the Foreign Ministry carry out coordination of work between the ministries and departments for development of Voluntary National Review, gathering of data and analysis of reports on implementation of the SDGs.

Turkmenistan delegation presented the first Voluntary National Review on implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, which received high appraisal of the UN members, at the ECOSOC High-level Political meeting held in the UN Headquarter on July 18, 2019.

Members of Turkmen delegation introduced participants of the forum with the main directions of social and economic development of our country, its achievements in implementation of the state programmes adapted for realization of the SDGs.

Delegates of the forum have also been presented with the information, which was supplemented by the video, about indicators achieved on national level, initiatives of Turkmenistan aimed at provision of sustainable development on regional and international levels. In particular, special focus was made on such priority directions of home and foreign policy of the country as transport, energy and ecology.

It is worth reminding that young Ambassador of the SDG, the representative of Turkmenistan who was elected from the UN to address High-level Forum on behalf of younger generation, made a speech on the outcomes of the main presentation.

The Chairman and participants of the Forum highly appreciated the efforts of Turkmenistan for involvement of youth to implementation of 2030 Global Agenda in their speeches, having highlighted that the policy of the President of the country in this direction is able to serve as an example of successful consolidation of all level of society around the SDG.

Participants of current meeting were introduced with the process of presentation of Voluntary National Review at the above-mentioned forum; special attention was paid to the achievements of our country in implementation of the SDG and their application in the state programmes.

Positive example of Turkmenistan in integration of the SDG to the development of all branches of social and economic base of the country has been noted. Special mention has been made that the Sustainable Development Goals are completely adapted to national policy in Turkmenistan and 84 percent of the SDG goals are reflected in national and profile programmes today.

Further measures for practical implementation of the SDG have been discussed during the session. It is worth mentioning that Turkmenistan demonstrated transparency in the process of implementation of 2030 Global Agenda.

All 17 Goals of Sustainable development have been adopted as well as 148 out of 169 objectives according to their appropriateness for the country and its population.

The UN Permanent Coordinator in Turkmenistan Elena Panova highlighted that constructive proposals of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals until 2030 receive wide support of the world community.

Having joined number of important UN conventions, Turkmenistan invariably fulfils all undertaken obligations. Turkmen state carry out joint work for introduction of the SDG to national plans and programmes.

In the end of the meeting, the participants spoke for the necessity to activate cooperation in implementation of the SDG, having highlighted that heir implementation as well as active cooperation with the UN are priority directions of the strategy of national development, which is oriented to industrial and innovative growth and improvement of wellbeing of the nation.