Ï Igor Makarov appointed as specialist – expert under the Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan for oil and gas affairs

Igor Makarov appointed as specialist – expert under the Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan for oil and gas affairs

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Igor Makarov appointed as specialist – expert under the Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan for oil and gas affairs
Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received the head of ARETI International Group of Companies with the head office in Geneva (Switzerland) Igor Makarov and the Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan for oil and gas affairs Yagshygeldy Kakayev.

Having expressed sincere gratitude for spared time, the Head of ARETI Holding congratulated the Head of the State on successful visit to the Republic of Singapore, which has opened new important stage in relations of Turkmenistan with the countries of Asian Pacific region.

Continuing the meeting, the businessman informed the Head of the state about the work of the Holding in our country, having confirmed invariable interest in implementation of new joint projects in oil and gas sphere and other perspective areas.

After, the Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan for oil and gas affairs Ya. Kakayev reported on the work in the sections of fuel and energy complex. In this context, special mention has been made of the measures for steadfast implementation of national energy strategy aimed at modernization and diversification of the industry, increment of the potential of its processing infrastructure based introduction of new technologies.

In this regard, Ya. Kakayev addressed the Head of the State with proposal to appoint Igor Makarov as a specialist – expert under the Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan for oil and gas affairs.

Summing up the information, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that our country has rich reserve of hydrocarbon resources, which provides its status as one of the world energy powers. Large-scale projects initiated and implemented by Turkmenistan in the sphere of multidimensional system of energy supply to international markets have not only big economic importance but also play significant role in strengthening of global energy security.

Turkmen leader noted that plans for rapid development of oil and gas processing industry and opening of the facilities making high-quality production demanded in the world markets open broad opportunities for beneficial cooperation with interested foreign partners and activation of investment activity.

Having approved and adopted the candidacy of the Head of ARETI IGC on the above-mentioned position, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated with delight long-term character of cooperation with the Holding, which is an old business partner of our country.

Having expressed the gratitude to the Head of the State and highlighted that this is a great honour and responsibility, Igor Makarov assured that he would put all efforts to justify high trust and to make considerable contribution to the prosperity of Turkmenistan, wherehe was born.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning that this year International Group of Companies led by Igor Makarov celebrates its 28th anniversary. The IGC works in oil and gas sector for 25 years and has significant experience in this field.

Besides business activity, the Head of ARETI is also honoured President of Cycling Federation of Russia ad member of the Board of International Cycling Union. Being an old sportsman, the businessman made his first steps in sport in Ashgabat.

During the meeting, issues related to preparation to the World Track Cycling Championship and the World Road Cycling Championship in Turkmenistan in 2021and 2026 respectively were the subjects of interested discussion. Having expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for support in organization of this big competitions, Igor Makarov highlighted that the country has all necessary capabilities and relative modern infrastructure owing to supportive activity of the Head of the State. these prestige tournaments will also support further growth of the authority of Turkmenistan as a sport power.

In the end of the meeting, Head of ARETI International Group of Companies Igor Makarov wished new outstanding successes to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his large-scale activity for the sake of Turkmen people.