Ï The Day of Workers of Construction, Energy and Municipal Services in Turkmenistan

The Day of Workers of Construction, Energy and Municipal Services in Turkmenistan

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In accordance with the Decree of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the Day of Workers of Construction, Energy and Municipal Services in Turkmenistan will be celebrated in country on the second Saturday of September.

In accordance with the document:

The Ministry of Construction and Architecture, the Ministry of Energy, as well as the Hyakimliks of the velayats and the city of Ashgabat are instructed to ensure the high organizational level for the celebrations of the Day of Workers of Construction, Energy and Municipal Services in Turkmenistan;

The Ministry of Construction and Architecture, the Ministry of Energy, together with the Ministry of Justice, within one month are instructed to prepare the proposals on amendments to the legislation of the country arising from this Decree and submit them to the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan for consideration.

The Decree of the President of Turkmenistan of June 16, 2003 on the celebration of the Day of Oil and Gas, Energy and Geological Industry Workers ceaseы to be in force.