Ï Turkmenistan presents its position on UN SPAS format

Turkmenistan presents its position on UN SPAS format

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On August 29, 2019, the UN Special Programme for the Aral Sea Basin (UN SPAS) was presented at the headquarters of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

The report emphasized the role of Turkmenistan as the country, presiding over the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea as well as the importance of the upcoming multilateral consultations on determining the format of the future UN Special Programme for the Aral Sea Basin (UN SPAS).

The video presentation demonstrated the steps taken by Turkmenistan to prepare multilateral consultations in the UN-IFAS format and launch a pilot project of the UN Special Programme for the Aral Sea Basin.

The report on the UN Special Programme for the Aral Sea Basin was presented during the sixth session of the Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction in the UN conference Hall in Bangkok.

In addition, ESCAP Deputy Executive Director for Sustainable Development, Kaveh Zahedi, who was informed about Turkmenistan’s efforts to promote UN SPAS.