Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulated students and educational personnel on the Day of Knowledge and Students

The President of Turkmenistan congratulated students and educational personnel on the Day of Knowledge and Students

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Let me extend my cordial congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and Students as well as on the beginning of new educational year 2019 – 2020, - the greeting message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed to school and university students, teachers and educational personnel of Turkmenistan says.

Science and education are the way we follow to create great future. Therefore, school and university students have to develop such qualities as patriotism, cohesion, friendship, fraternity, unity for further prosperity of our state and happy life of the nation. They have to study hard, to develop new knowledge and to have good understanding of modern technologies.

To learn, to work, to popularize national traditions widely, to improve the authority of the country in the world, all of these has to be priority target of younger generation, - the message says.

Fundamental reforms in the country are aimed at receiving education by the youth according to growing requirements of modern time, mastering of different professions, stimulation of the interest in science and art, desire to be deserving successors of patriotic ideals of the ancestors and national traditions. Therefore, we purposefully implements national reforms for qualitative and integrated modernization of educational system, which is the foundation of steadfast development of our society and prosperity of the state.

Secondary schools and kindergartens are built systematically in the country according to the objectives of national programmes and priorities of development. New universities are opened and equipment and facility base of educational facilities is steadily improved for training of qualified specialists with wide outlook, creative abilities, who have good understanding of modern technologies.

The message highlights that all levels of education are provided with quality educational resources with wide implementation of digital technologies. Data base of education sphere is renewed. Concepts of transit to 12-year education, development of digital system of education as well as improvement of teaching of foreign languages are successfully implemented. New secondary schools and kindergartens are opened in the cities and rural areas of the country.

Acceleration of educational reforms and improvement of their efficiency, education of generation, which is able to take deserving place among the youth advanced in science and knowledge, are the main objectives of teachers and educational sphere personnel in the current age of rapid development of science and technologies. In teaching, it is important to continue integrated work for steadfast modernization of equipment and facility, educational and methodological base of educational system relying on mental values, innovative and information technologies and advanced practice of developed states of the world.

I am confident that you will successfully implement set objectives, modernize educational sphere doing actual work for training of qualified specialists for different branches of the economy, the message of the President highlights.