Ï Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions

Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions

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Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Opening of five new schools is timed to the beginning of educational year in the regions
Beginning of new educational year has been brightly and ceremonially celebrated in Turkmenistan, which was announced by school bells ringing all around the country. On the day before, public events on the Path of Health in the Kopetdag foothills and concert and award ceremony of the best teachers on behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov were held on occasion of the Day of Knowledge and Students.

September 2 has started from flower laying ceremony to the Monument of Independence for Ashgabat school and university students. Bright autumn bouquets have also been laid to the Monument of Berdymuhamed Annayev, which is located in secondary school No. 27 in Yzgant settlement, Ahal Velayat. All educational facilities hosted ceremonies where greeting message of the President of turkmensitan addressed to students and personnel of education sphere has been read out.

“Science and education are the way we follow and create great future”, - the Head of the State noted in his message advising the youth of the country.

All schools, universities and other educational facilities prepared their celebration programme, poems and songs as well as performance of art ensembles.

Opening of five new secondary schools in the regions and one kindergarten in the capital was timed to the beginning of new educational year.

Opening of another pre-school facility took place in the biggest residential estates of Ashgabat – Mir 7/1. The kindergarten, which opened door for its new hosts for the first time, has become another visual evidence of successful realization of reforms in educational sphere and its orientation to high international standards.

Modern two-storey building for 160 children has all conditions for preparation of kids to school, lessons and art classes, health improving activities. Computer and language classes, music hall and gym are provided with modern equipment. It also has a swimming pool. Each of eight groups has its own equipped kitchen for comprehensive and balanced nutrition of children.

It was a big holiday for young hosts of new kindergarten. Dance ensembles and singers, representatives of the Ministry of Education and different organizations including Ashgabat Children and Youth Palace as well as children and teachers from other kindergartens came to visit them. The guests were treated with traditional sweets and national dishes.

The participants of the ceremony expressed the gratitude to Turkmen leader for fatherly care of harmonic development of younger generation, white balloons and doves have been set to the sky to great delight of children.

Opening ceremonies of two schools were held in Ahal velayat with participation of the Hyakim of this region and officials of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

One of them, for 600 students, were built in Gyoktepe settlement, Guoktepe etrap. Numerous local residents, personnel of cultural and art sphere, educational system have gathered there early in the morning. Honoured guests were welcomed with musical concert and cheerful performance of children dance group.

Hyakim of Ahal Velayat Serdar Berdimuhamedov addressed the participants of the event with greeting speech, having congratulated everybody on the beginning of new school year and wonderful event – the opening of modern school in rural area. Good wishes to growing generation and teaches were made.

Honoured elder of the etrap has spoken on behalf of his countrymen, having expressed deep gratitude and delight with good changes, which are going on today in rural areas where the capabilities to receive good education similar to the ones in the capital are made.

One of school teachers has also shared his feelings of joy and pride, having made special mention of the role of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in bringing of national education system to new level meeting modern standards.

After, honoured guest cut symbolical ribbon and looked around the classes of new school. All first grade students received the computers as a gift from the Head of the State.

Similar celebration ceremony was held in Archman settlement, Baherden etrap where secondary school for 620 students has been built. The beginning of new year has also been celebrated in this place with great enthusiasm, songs and dances, speeches of the elders and teachers, award of the netbooks to first grade students on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan.

Both schools, which supplemented the infrastructure of Ahal Region, are provided with modern equipment, meet relative requirements and computerized.

The opening ceremonies of two secondary schools were also held in Mary Velayat. One of the schools has been built in Kelteler, Diayr Gengeshlyk, Maryetrap. Its two-storey building is designated for 600 students. Light and spacious classrooms are equipped with computers, multimedia boards, modern learning and visual manuals and hardware.

Gym of the school has all capabilities for mass sport events and competitions. Cycling races, volleyball, football and other competitions were organized on occasion of the event at the sport ground of new school.

Another school for 660 students was opened in Yagty settlements, Tyaze Dunya Gengeshlyk, Turkmenkala etrap. it gave a lot of joy and pride to the residents of the settlement, who came with children to this ceremony and looked around the classes with modern learning, language, computer and other innovative equipment and visual learning materials. It has all conditions for professional orientation of students as well as for sport exoercizes.

School students of Garabagshyly settlement, Garnas Gengeshlyk, Koytendag etrap, Lebap Velayat received an excellent present for new school year. Opening ceremony of new secondary school for 320 students was held in this place.

Students and parents as well as numerous guests who came to the event, was welcomed with concert programme of art collectives; sportsmen have also demonstrated their skills.

Representatives of local administration, public organizations and honoured elders congratulated students on the opening of new school. comfort and new technologies became the main factor of modern educational facilities where everything for fruitful study and harmonic development of younger generation of Turkmen citizens is provided.

New school in remote area has everything, which is necessary for intellectual and physical development of students, deep knowledge and efficient work of teachers. Interactive multimedia classrooms, language and information technology rooms are provided with the latest equipment and manuals. The school has laboratories for practical lessons in physics and other subjects.

It has classes equipped with special hardware for craft lessons for boys and girls. Gyms and music halls, library with reading hall, canteen, outdoor sport ground are at disposal of the students.

In general, 2,800 children will study in five new schools. The gifts on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan have been given to the best construction personnel at the opening ceremonies of the schools.

All secondary schools of the country welcomed the youngest pupils, six years old first grade students at the ceremonies dedicated to the beginning of new school year. They received netbooks on behalf of the Head of the State. This tradition was established by the Head of the State in 2011, having become another demonstration of care of education and harmonic development of children.

First classes in education facilities of the country were held under slogan “Turkmenistan – Home of Prosperity”. Open lesson was dedicated to the policy of the President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and achievements of Turkmenistan for 28 years of independence.

The month “Traffic Safety – Safety of our Life” has also traditionally been started on the first day of autumn. Topical displays and stands dedicated to compliance with traffic safety rules have been prepared in secondary schools under this event. Contests, discussions, meeting with specialists of traffic control service on prevention of road and traffic accidents will be organized. Eco-cycling groups of traffic police are the novelties of this year.

Another important event was held on the first day of school year in A. S. Pushkin Turkmen – Russian Secondary School in Ashgabat. It has a video conference with Magtumguly Fragi school in Funtovo village, Volga District, Astrakhan Region, Russian Federation.