Ï Offfsite session of the State Security Council and training of Special Forces troops take place

Offfsite session of the State Security Council and training of Special Forces troops take place

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President, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held offsite session of the State Security Council where the outcomes of work of military and law enforcement agencies have been outlined for eight months of the year as well as inspected combat drills of Türkmen Edermen Special Forces groups of the security structures of the country.

After midnight, the Head of the State went to one of the training centres of the State Border Guard Service. At the central entrance, the President was met by the commanders of military and law enforcement agencies of the country. secretary of the State Security Forces, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev reported on the readiness to hold offsite session of the Security Council.

Offsite session of the State Security Council took place thereafter. The agenda included the outcomes of activity of military and law enforcement agencies for January – August this year. Organizational issues of relative structures have been reviewed, current objectives for further modernization of equipment and facility base taking into account modern digital systems and strengthening of personnel potential of security forces have been outlined at the session.

Detailed reports of the commanders of military and law enforcement agencies on the situation in the divisions under their command and on the work for eight months of the year have been presented during the session. The information about the measures for support of public order and prevention of crimes, monitoring of the compliance with national legislation, improvement of regulatory and legal acts has been given.

It was reported that integrated measures are taken for further improvement of activity of security forces including for modernization of equipment and facility base of the divisions of Armed Forces by the provision of latest specialized equipment and technical aids. The month “Traffic Safety –Safety of our Life” and preparation to the military parade on occasion of the anniversary of Turkmenistan independence were separate subjects of the reports.

The heads of military and law enforcement divisions have also informed about improvement of personnel potential and solution of social issues in their structures.

Having listened to the reports, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that while being a sovereign state, Turkmenistan steadily implements an integrated programme aimed at support of defensive capability of the Armed Forces and training of qualified personnel as the power of National Army serves to the interest of peace and security of the country and protection of prosperous life of the nation.

These principles are reflected in defensive military doctrine of the country, which is based on neutral legal status, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces continued, having ordered to pay close attention to provision of military divisions and law enforcement agencies with modern equipment, high level of combat training of military personnel, social provision of them and their families.

It is also necessary to take measures for improvement of efficient of activity of military and law enforcement agencies, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted, having ordered the commanders of to solve their objectives in coordinated cooperation. Special mention was made of the importance of regular work for military and patriotic education of personnel and improvement of professionalism.

Addressing the Secretary of the State Security Council, the Minister of National Security, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to work of development of the documents for institution of Türkmen edermen medal and to present these documents to the Mejlis for review.

Having outlined the preparation to the Independence Day of Turkmenistan, under which important state events are planned to be held, as one of the main subject, the President ordered the members of the State Security Council to take relative measures for provision of high organizational level of planned events and support of public order.

The Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces has signed the Order and Resolution of appointment and release of number of prosecutors.

In the end of the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health and success in service to the participants.

After, Turkmen leader went by bicycle to specialized training ground. On his way, the Head of Turkmenistan inspected the latest military equipment exhibited there. Demonstration performance of alabays and other breeds of service dogs were demonstrated to the Supreme Commander.

Turkmen border guard personnel have demonstrated to the Head of the State practical use of service horses and alabays, knife and martial arts skills. Young soldiers have also shown an excellent agility and skills of horse riding and shooting on targets, passing an obstacle course and different tactical military manoeuvres.

The President expressed the interest in the training for launching and control of drones, special operations with participation of climbers, suppressing fire on the move from motor vehicles, sharp shooting training. Horse and foot-mobile watch groups change over, apprehending the offenders of the State border using various motor transport and capabilities of modern technical systems used in daily service have been demonstrated.

Participation of young military personnel with officers in military and tactical drills enhances their combat abilities providing valuable experience. Current exercises visually demonstrated high level of theory and combat training of the defenders who stand guard for protection of the Motherland, their ability to operate various equipment and to handle weapons.

The President of Turkmenistan wished success in responsible service to officers and young soldiers and went by helicopter to the training centre located in desert area.

From the helipad, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went on combat vehicle to the place of military drills where the Supreme Commander was met by Defence Minister B. Gundogdiyev who made report on the readiness for inspection of military skills of personnel of number of divisions of the Armed Forces.

Latest equipment is used efficiently in daily activity of military and law enforcement agencies. At the same time, officers and soldiers successfully perform their objective skilfully operating advanced technical equipment. Improvement of professional training provides improvement of their skills and abilities.

Military defensive doctrine is reliable guarantee of peaceful and stable development of Turkmenistan. Provision of National Army with special equipment of latest generation, creation of conditions for service and life of military personnel are outlined by the President of Turkmenistan among priority directions of the state policy. It is also worth to mention that great attention is paid to training of qualified officers, which provides high level of combat readiness of personnel and proper service of young soldiers.

Current training manoeuvres have demonstrated high level of professional training of military personnel of Special Force joint group Türkmen edermen of military and law enforcement agencies of the country.

Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov came to observation tribune of special ground from where he was watching the demonstrations of joint Special Forces division.

Territorial defence troops of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan and Türkmen edermen joint special force division expanded tactical activities for defence against an attack of military group at specially protected facility. Conditional enemy started diversion from the southern side of the complex. Security guards of the facility acts according to operational order and started short-range combat.

The main group of military formation, who hoped for success of false manoeuvre, tried to capture the main entry of the facility. Having accessed the situation, guard group alert signal division and took perimeter defence.

Türkmen edermen fast response joint group launched the drones for detailed assessment of the situation in this area. This division attacked the enemy acting in coordination with defence group. At the same time, sniper team takes positions for shooting.

As the situation escalates, the guard group went on defence using the reserves. Special signal is given from certain place to call an air strike support. Sniper group of Türkmen edermen discovered group of enemy moving on another side of the facility and opened fire on them.

After, combat helicopters appeared in air space and made strikes on designated targets.at the same time, snipers continued eliminating separate groups of the enemy.

Having formed up ‘combat edge’, joint assault group of Türkmen edermen started an attack for complete elimination of armed group. Haven’t reached set objectives, the enemy group started retreating. The remaining group of enemy forces and motor transport were destroyed.

Having implemented an effective combat tactics in desert, the assault group divide the detachment of the enemy in two parts. The right flank forces sidelined one of the part of the enemy toward the ambush.

High-speed motor vehicles of Türkmen edermen division came out of the shelter, surrounded military group and neutralized it completely. At the same time, the helicopters supporting an assault group from the air open machine gun fire on the enemy.

After, demonstration of combat activities of Türkmen edermen special force groups has taken place, during which military personnel of this division demonstrated their skills and ability of handling fire arms in different situations.

After successful accomplishment of the mission, special force group of Turkmen warriors has embarked one of the helicopters using special rope. At the same time, left flank forces of assault group repelled the second group of the enemy military formation toward difficult terrain and started the elimination.

Capabilities of electromagnetic suppression systems, using which the drone flying on low altitudes was landed and eliminated, have also been demonstrated at the exercises.

Air strikes were made for elimination of the ground manpower of the enemy. During the exercise, Turkmen soldiers have demonstrated the parachuting and skills of handling the weapons.

After, the divisions of rescue and fire services, group of military medics provided aid to the injured and mitigated harmful consequences at the facility.

Upon the completion of military tactical exercises, the personnel of Türkmen edermen special force division said sacred oath and assured the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan that they would solve all responsible objectives followed from defensive military doctrine with honour.

Having wished success in their sacred military services to officers and soldiers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went on combat vehicle across Karakum Desert.

As is known, Karakums is one of the biggest deserts in the world, which uniqueness deserves to be entered in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a sample of natural protection. In this context, it is worth to mention that the Head of the State pays huge importance to support of its ecological balance of proper level.

At the same time, protection of original and slightly changed varieties of ecosystems of this part on Turkmen nature is the main aspect. Works in this direction are exemplary. Construction of Altyn Asyr Lake in the centre of the desert can be brought as an example.

Having arrived in helipad, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov embarked the helicopter and left the place of event.