Ï Production of new brands of cement is started

Production of new brands of cement is started

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Lebap cement factory started production of test lots of M-400 – D-20 and M-500 – D-20 cement. Construction material was developed by production personnel with personnel of organic materials and chemistry and technology laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Science of Turkmenistan.

This is modified cement bonding with additives of ground basalt powder (made of local raw material), which makes positive effect of mechanical and physical characteristics of concrete. It enhances its durability, density, frost resistance as well as reduces its cost. In addition, use of mineral component in concrete mixture minimize harmful impact of environment.

Soon, all profile factories of the country will start producing new cement. New production gives opportunity to make mixtures and concretes with different physical and mechanical, chemical and mineral characteristics.

Depending on customer’s requirements, the facilities can produce other types of cement according to their technical provision and quality of production, which meets the world standards.

At present time, the most demanded cements M-400, M-500 and M-400 sulphate resistant, which is used in hydro technical facilities, are produced. In addition, Kelyata Plant produces drilling Portland cement DPC – 1 – 100, which is used in oil and gas industry.

Previously, the ore for cement production was imported. Under the state programme of import substitution, scientists of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Science of Turkmenistan together with specialists of Turkemnsenagat Agency and State Corporation Turkmengeologiya have studied the capabilities of natural resources of Tuarkyr Ore region and helped to arrange the production of iron containing material from Chagyl deposit.

Local raw material, iron oxide, completely replaced imported analogue. Refusing to import iron ore, several million US dollars have been saved. The production of this section of construction material industry is on high demand in foreign market. This year, Lebap Facilities exported around 160,000 tons of cement to Uzbekistan and Afghanistan.