Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulates his countrymen on Independence Day

The President of Turkmenistan congratulates his countrymen on Independence Day

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Let me extend my cordial congratulation on National Holiday, the 28th anniversary of Turkmenistan Independence! This great day is marked with our success and victories; this holiday inspires us to achievements of new high targets, - congratulation message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Turkmen nation says.

We welcome Independence Day with remarkable events, excellent achievements, celebration activity which indicate steadfast movement of our neutral country along the way of peace, creation and progress.

28 years ago Turkmenistan has chosen the way of democratic, legal and secular development. Our home and foreign policy, which is aimed at achievement of peace, creation and progress, our major initiatives for the sake of the country and entire humankind, successful projects of international significance, fundamental changes are subject to high goal – comprehensive harmonic development of independent state and steadfast improvement of wellbeing of people, - the message highlights.

We make fundamental modernization of all branches of national economy and change over to digital system to bring Turkmenistan to the level of the countries developed in political, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres according to the goals provided by the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025. We build new cities and villages, gas lines, highways, big innovative industrial production complexes.

We discussed the objectives of provision of further prosperity of sovereign state and set high targets at the session of the People’s Council, which was held on the threshold of the holiday.

Following the main provisions and goals of neutral and legal status, which was recognized in the world and set forth in the Constitution of Turkmenistan, we steadily improve international authority of our country. we gradually increase and expand political, economic and cultural relations with such competent structures as the United Nations Organization, European Union, Commonwealth of Independent States, Shanghai Cooperation organization, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Non-Alignment Movement, Islamic Cooperation Organization, with other states of the planet. We consolidate the efforts for strengthening of peace and solidarity on the planet, provision of internal development and national interests in the world space.

Independence and neutrality of Turkmenistan are the base of all our successes recognized by the world community, - the message of the President notes.

Finishing addressing the nation, Turkmen leader wished all countrymen good health, longevity, happiness and family wealth, great success in work for the sake of the country.