Ï Altcom Financial and Industrial Group is interested in cooperation with Turkmenistan

Altcom Financial and Industrial Group is interested in cooperation with Turkmenistan

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Altcom Financial and Industrial Group is interested in cooperation with Turkmenistan
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Alexander Tislenko, the Board Chairman of Altcom Financial and Industrial Group Altcom.

Having expressed gratitude for the time spared for the meeting, the guest congratulated the Head of the State on Independence Day as well as on award of the title of the Honoured Elder of the Nation at the session of the People’s Council day before.

Greeting Ukrainian businessman, the Head of the state expressed gratitude for congratulations and highlighted that Turkmenistan is always open for equal and beneficial partnership, having noted advanced practice of Altcom, which was applied in joint projects.

Having confirmed the interest in further cooperation with Turkmenistan, the head of financial and industrial group noted that there are big perspectives and capabilities for this, which are opened during implementation of national reformation programmes. In this context, the guest highly appreciated the idea of Turkmen leader on the first Caspian Economic Forum, which was held with success in Avaza and became efficient negotiation ground.

Turkmenistan has all conditions for successful business, A. Tislenko said, having highlighted investment attractiveness of the country and big potential of cooperation including in construction of various facilities and roads. He made proposal on participation of his company in joint projects, which are planned in our country, having assured that Altcom is willing to provide its engineering and technical capabilities for solution of responsible objectives.

Having greeted business-like approach of Ukrainian partners to cooperation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmenistan, which currently make integrated modernization of all branches of economy, is ready to review the proposals related to participation of the company from friendly country in profile programmes of development and big projects in transport section.

Having again expressed the gratitude for the trust, the guest highlighted that it is great honour for his company to make contribution to economic development of Turkmenistan.